Index – Domestic – Gy delr Hospital Director: There will come a time when we will have to stop, the doctors are constantly fighting due to an infection


The general director of Győr hospital painted an ominous picture of the epidemic situation in Hungary. According to János Tamás László, several intensive care doctors and nurses left the service due to coronavirus infection or suspected contagion, and it is already many times the number of patients admitted to the hospital in the spring wave.

According to the general director, therefore, “there will be a moment to stop”, since the number of intensive care units for patients with coronavirus will also have to be increased.

The director informed HírCity in Győr on The portal writes that at the Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital in Győr, which provides intensive care to all five counties, the task at hand is roughly three to four times greater than the worst days of spring.

According to the CEO, there are currently six intensive care units available for coronavirus patients, but the number of beds needs to be increased to thirty in a few days, although his intensive care unit is almost full, with the Covid ward occupying 60 percent. hundred.

According to János László János, in addition to caring for coronavirus patients, a great effort is needed to receive 150 patients a day in the emergency department, and 150-180 patients arrive at the epidemiological outpatient clinic of the hospital.

There will be a time when we will have to stop

He added, adding that in his opinion this moment could come very soon. The interview also states that in just one day, six doctors and at least ten health professionals were quarantined or banned for positivity, and none contracted the virus at the institution.
