Index – Domestic – Fine of one hundred thousand florins to long-distance buses – denies Volánbusz


“The information that, citing an internal instruction, states that our company would impose a fine on bus drivers who leave a passenger without a protective mask on board, is completely wrong. Volánbusz has not issued such instructions and will not penalize drivers or passengers, but will exclude the latter from the trip in the event of non-compliance with the regulations ”, reported the Volánbusz Index Management. Our editorial office contacted the company after a report appeared in the press, according to which a driver who releases a passenger without a mask can be fined up to 100,000 HUF from 15 September.

Wednesday’s press release issued jointly by the two companies and sent to our newsroom shows that since mid-September MÁV and Volánbusz also tighten travel rules. On the flights of the two companies, so far only passengers have been warned to wear a mask, but as of September 15, those without a mask can be allowed or denied boarding.

Remember that from May 4 it is mandatory to cover the face (mouth and nose) with a mask, scarf or shawl in vehicles. Currently, those who do not comply with the regulations are still being warned, but as of September 15, intercity transport operators will take stricter measures to protect the health of their passengers and employees who comply.

From the middle of the month, passengers who do not wear a mask, scarf or kerchief that covers the nose and mouth can be excluded from the trip. on MÁV-START and Volánbusz flights.

To prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, covering your mouth and nose is mandatory on public transportation, including trains and buses. Both transport companies require their passengers to comply with public health regulations, Do not use public transport in case of illness with fever or cold symptoms. In order to reduce queues and personal contacts, when buying tickets and season tickets, give preference to electronic ticketing options, such as using the MÁV application.

So far they have only warned

The railway company, together with the Reserve Police, the Civil Guard and the security guards, has inspected more than 6,100 trains since August. So far, only the offending passengers have been warned, however The trains will be subject to increased inspections starting next Tuesday, and under new company regulations, ticket inspectors will take more serious action against violators.. Who, despite the call, does not cover his nose or mouth, runs the risk of being disqualified from the trip, since the irregular passenger will be disembarked from the train.

MÁV-Home It not only inspects the passengers but also the crew working on board. He also regularly draws the attention of his staff working on the railway to the obligation to wear a mask correctly. An employee who does not follow the instructions must face the consequences of the labor law. The railway company is constantly providing the necessary protective equipment to the affected employees, so far more than one million masks, one and a half million gloves and sixty thousand liters of hand sanitizer have been distributed.

The driver can also request police action.

Covering your mouth and nose is also mandatory in the closed passenger areas of the Volánbusz and on all flights. As of September 15, travel conditions will tighten and a major change will take effect: Bus drivers are required to refuse boarding if the passenger does not meet the requirements for wearing a mask and does not comply with the obligation in a single request.

During the trip, ticket and season ticket inspectors verify compliance with regulations and, after a single call, ineffective, stopping in a populated area will exclude those affected from the trip. The company requests police action to deal with the situation if the passenger refuses to cover his mouth and nose, does not take note of the take-off ban or exclusion from the trip. In such a case, the authority can initiate infringement procedures and impose fines ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 HUF.

The police also carry out random checks on compliance with the obligation to wear the mask at bus stations and buses, and impose fines in case of infringement. Volánbusz requests the cooperation of its passengers and also draws attention to the fact that its employees cannot deviate from the arrangement for any reason. The bus company has distributed more than 322,000 masks to protect its employees since the emergency was declared.
