Index – Domestic – Ferenc Gyurcsány: Like the mice in the church, we were so poor


I wanted to create a better world

– Said former Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány, president of the Democratic Coalition, at an event celebrating the party’s ninth birthday, which was held online in the face of the coronavirus epidemic.

In a video message sent to supporters of the party formed in 2011, the former prime minister recalled his 16 years in politics. He also recalled the leak of his speech at Balatonőszöd, which he said had a “dramatic effect.”

The right-wing speech became the target of a violent coup attempt

– interpreted the events of 2006 by the president of DK.

Ferenc Gyurcsány explained his resignation in 2009 saying that he did not want to get in the way of reforms, so he decided to leave. He also said that although he could have returned to business, he was also invited to teach at Harvard University in the United States, but he eventually realized that his “life, vocation and future is politics.”

He claims that Fidesz’s two-thirds victory in 2010 also shook him,

and he believed that “the fall of the republic is the end of democracy.” That is why this year he encouraged the Democrats to work together and wanted to open the MSZP to make it a great Democratic party, but the Socialist leadership did not support him, so he finally decided to establish the DK with his colleagues. -t.

He also revealed that at first they were not even allowed to form a parliamentary faction, so they were “poor as a church mouse”, but when visiting the country, they ended up working hard to get the 2019 European Parliament they reached 16 percent in the elections and were able to send four MPs to Brussels.

Speaking at the online event, Klára Dobrev, DK MEP, also spoke about the fact that in the municipal elections last October, not only themselves but the whole world demonstrated that they could win together, “seriously defeating the regime of Orbán “. . According to Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife, they have since managed to show that they can not only win, but also govern together, even though at the moment it is only about cities and districts.

We unite and win. It was a recipe for change a year ago, and it will be in 2022 too.

– declared for the future Klára Dobrev, whose name often appears on the side of the opposition as a postgraduate candidate for Prime Minister.

David Sassolini, President of the European Parliament, also sent a message to the Democratic Coalition: he praised the party, which “is committed and firmly committed to European spirituality.”

(Cover image: Huszti István / Index)
