Index – Domestic – Faithful but clumsy, faithful but clumsy!


Although the political agenda was largely determined by this year’s coronavirus epidemic, those observing Hungarian public life in 2020 could face really big scandals, shameful failures, which could still thematize public discourse for some time. Now let’s look at these.

Our collection is based on subjective aspects, we are not talking about the protest around the University of Theater and Film Arts, the binding of Dora Dúró or the scandalous writing of Szilárd Demeter. Now we write about the “banana peels” into which the actors of Hungarian public life have slipped.

Peruvian porn

Gábor Kaleta’s pedophile case was first reported by the Index in February. It turned out that the former Peruvian ambassador was transferred to Hungary in complete secrecy after 19,000 images of child pornography were found on his computer. Foreign authorities have crashed into an international network of pedophiles around the world, thus reaching the Kaleta threads as well.

The former Peruvian ambassador was finally sentenced by the Hungarian court to one year (two years for six months) in prison in the summer and a fine of HUF 540,000. He first appealed to his lawyer for redress after the verdict, but the case became such a national scandal that it was eventually dropped, making the lower court ruling final.

Dream Rescue Video

The entire Hungarian press reported on the video that the MSZP made and uploaded to its social media site. In it, Lajos Korózs, deputy of the Socialists and president of the Parliamentary Welfare Commission, spoke with Athina Németh, a woman who referred to herself as a rescue agent, about the alleged victims of the government-ordered evacuation.

Athina Németh claimed that nine of her ten nursing patients died within days of being brought home from the hospital. The National Ambulance Service responded to this with a statement in which it indicated that the woman who had been discharged as an ambulance officer was not on their records, so she certainly did not work for them. Although the MSZP removed the video from its social site, Lajos Korózs appeared again with Athina Németh on one of ATV’s programs, where he defended the case.

Eventually, it was discovered that the woman had nothing to do with medical care, she had never worked for the National Ambulance Service or any other organization before, and an investigation was launched into the rescue video of the Socialists due to the spread of the horror.

Although the MSZP publicly insisted that it made no mistakes, it was also misled and the matter had no personal consequences, the Socialists still got the point.

The bitcoin miner

In October, the police conducted a house search at the Erzsébetváros municipality building. As it turned out: a local government representative from the SE, Tamás Borka-Szász, stole electricity from the office. He mined bitcoins in his office, for which he operated high-performance computers, which were also seized by the police.

The opposition politician resigned immediately after the outbreak of the case and also left the party. The head of the district, Péter Niedermüller, also from the SE, assured that he did not know the things that Borka-Szász was carrying, he was also unexpectedly affected by the thing, he described the act of his political partner as a betrayal.

Although the leadership of the Democratic Coalition and the opposition district tried to shake the matter off, the local youth organization Fidesz threw the ball in and extensions were distributed to left-wing city leaders at the next board meeting.

Sex party in Brussels

It is difficult to forget perhaps the most embarrassing political scandal of the year, linked to József Szájer. At the end of November, the Fidesz MEP announced that he would resign at the end of the year. THE According to official reasoning, the decision had matured in him for a long time, which was explained by the mental burden imposed on him by everyday political struggles.

A few days later, however, the Belgian press revealed that there may be very different reasons for the Fidesz politician’s departure. A few days before her resignation, Szájer participated in a sex party in Brussels, which was beaten up by the police, and drugs were found in the purse of a Fidesz politician. The MEP reportedly tried to hang himself from the Belgian authorities through the gutter, but in the end the Belgian police removed the Hungarian politician.

József Szájer finally left Fidesz due to the scandal, Viktor Orbán said a lot about the case:

what our colleague József Szájer did not fit the values ​​of our political community.

The cigarette smuggler

Shortly after the József Szájer scandal, the Socialists had to start anew with shameful explanations. In early December, it turned out that one of the former MSZP members, Vice President of the Territorial Association of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Party.

The MSZP politician wanted to get his way with the Ukrainian authorities inspecting his car by presenting a diplomatic passport. Representatives of the Hungarian consulate were called to the scene, but they did not guarantee Bachelor, so the car was finally inspected, in which the Ukrainian border guards found large quantities of contraband cigarettes.

As it turned out, the diplomatic passport was requested by the MSZP from Zsolt Legény at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Socialists have argued that he helps the party’s foreign relations as an expert, so he needs a special license.
