Index – Domestic – Emőke Bagdy closes the Fairy Tale case: distancing himself from destroying books


The LGBTQ theme sent to the grinder bydóra Dúró is also presented A fairy tale for everyone The edition of the children’s book titled “Recently” has also greatly shocked and divided the society of psychologists.

To date, approximately 1,300 psychologists and mental health professionals have signed a resolution in favor of a storybook showing heroes at some point on the fringes of society.

Dora Dúró on the bookmakers: Constant Nazis are boring

According to the politician of the Movement Our Country, the real danger is homosexual propaganda.

(Since then, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán himself has referred to the book as a homosexual propaganda tool, and according to Gergely Gulyás, the Prime Minister, reading the book amounts to putting minors in danger.)

The experts write in an open letter available to anyone, among other things, that they are defending the book Fairy Tale Land for Everyone because they believe that:

  • Process and elevate important social phenomena to the world of fairy tales.
  • it is not dangerous for children or other members of society
  • shows characters that are rarely or rarely in other stories
  • Therefore, it carries an important message to both stakeholder groups and members of the mainstream society.
  • works against exclusion and dehumanization

The authors of the resolution also add that the book is not a required reading: everyone is free to decide whether to buy it.

However, we emphasize that there is no premature awareness if the story and text are appropriate for that age group. Based on these, the book can be an excellent awareness-raising tool for children, since it tells in their language about the people who live with us but who do not necessarily know them in everyday life.

– state, among other things, your arguments.

However, they also state that they distance themselves from the statements of Emőke Bagdy, who, like many in the past, has also strongly criticized the storybook, which provokes serious encouragement.

We also distance ourselves from the statements of all psychologists, such as Emőke Bagdy, which contain unprofessional statements and contrary to the current position of science, and whose expected effect is to increase incitement to hatred and social exclusion.

– is in the text.

Emőke Bagdy asks you

In all this, Emőke Bagdy defended his own position in a letter to the Hungarian Nation, requesting the accusations against him that it would be unprofessional, which he claims, including the early sensitization of children between the ages of three and six. He stressed that he had not read the book and originally did not wish to comment specifically on its contents.

A detail from the long professional discussion:

“For me, the main question of critics is that when ninety percent of the population has this biological and social gender adjustment and it works without problems, it represents the majority, why is it so important to sensitize the processes of minorities through fairy tales? Do some people want to change the average?

Do we consider it primarily important that it affects few? I wonder why? Because if the objective were to achieve acceptance and tolerance for otherness, we would not have to focus on the 3-6 year-old group, but on the conscious educational process that begins with school age.

I don’t want to join ideologies of either the right or the left, I want to continue being a servant of science. I want respect, which I myself give to others. “

Wrote Emőke Bagdy.

As a follow-up to the case, a petition was launched in addition to the renowned clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, whose authors believe that part of the psychologist’s profession has been systematically creating a state of mind for some time. Based on petáció, I support Professor Emőke Bagdy, psychologist! Since then, the document has been signed by more than 33,000 people.

The Index also contacted Emő Bagdy in the case, who wrote on his official Facebook page on Friday that he would no longer answer questions from the press. Instead, it issued a notice, the text of which is stated unchanged:

  1. I only responded to the narrative book in question in response to a journalist’s question because I did not know the book before.
  2. In my response, I took a professional approach, which I still maintain, that sexual sensitization of children at a certain age is not recommended.
  3. I distance myself from any action that leads to the destruction of books, to the exclusion of other people.
  4. I have dedicated all my work to helping the individual and society to work together in the most harmonious way possible, facilitating the integration of those in need, creating the most conducive environment possible.
  5. Based on their difference from the majority, stigmatizing someone is completely unacceptable to me.

    Topic of the Week: From Book Shredding to Bestsellers

    According to Dora Dúró, Fairytale Land is a homosexual “brainwashing” for everyone. Played by Dorka Gryllus and Ervin Nagy, we seek the cause of the storybook scandal.
