Index – Domestic – Elderly coronavirus removed from ventilator due to plasma therapy


A 75-year-old man who has been treated for a severe coronavirus infection at the Semmelweis University Clinic of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care since April 15 has been removed from a ventilator at Semmelweis University, the university said. The patient had been on a ventilator for more than 10 days due to his condition at the time of serum administration, however, they were able to start a gradual awakening in the days after treatment and successfully removed from the respirator on May 11. . The patient’s condition is stable.

The 75-year-old man submitted a request to the Semmelweis University Emergency Care Department in mid-April, where he was diagnosed with the serious disease COVID 19. The man, who also had several chronic diseases, had to be placed in a fan the next day due to his condition. Due to the severity of his condition, he decided to use the new plasma therapy with the consent of his relatives. He received the serum on April 27, and in the days after administration, his laboratory results, clinical and respiratory parameters soon improved, allowing him to begin his gradual awakening.

On May 9, reported that another patient had also managed to stabilize his condition after plasma therapy.

The essence of plasma therapy is to use an antibody produced in the blood of people who have already recovered to fight the disease. The serum was administered by the Scientific Vice Chancellor of the University of Physical Education, Managing Director of OrthoSera, dr. Developed by a research group led by Zsombor Lacza together with the Semmelweis University and the Virology Center of the University of Pécs.

In order to produce more sera and help more patients, patients who have recovered from a coronavirus are still awaiting their request. Mainly, people between 18 and 60 years old are expected to submit their request at [email protected] or at 06-70-363-87-68 that it has recovered, which means that they have not noticed any symptoms for 5- 6 weeks.
