Index – Domestic – Cold theft: the safest way to travel by sled or track


In Hungary, rapid temperature changes within a few days in winter have not been uncommon recently. From the beginning of the measurements in 1901, 1929 was the coldest on February 10, then minus 30 degrees was measured at Kecskemét. The warmest February 10 was 19.2 degrees in Ásotthalom, Csongrád County, in 1958.

According to popular wisdom, the loud chirping of sparrows on February 14 indicates that a better time is coming.

On Valentine’s Day the average temperature will be between minus 3 and minus 10, good weather still awaits you.

Climate change has already passed the nine critical points

Shrinking ice fields, melting permafrost, and destruction of rainforests also indicate that the problem is great.

How common in hungary extreme temperature fluctuations?

Since we’re talking about the weather, the focus is on the word weather, Party meteorologist Lucia told Index. Nothing extraordinary changes when the weather is spring or winter. With the uplift flow, fronts come and go. It’s natural.

As cold Arctic air masses are more difficult to move, freezing winters are less common in Central Europe.

– He said.

nap Celsius degrees year settlement
February 11 (minimum) -33.0 1929 Kecskemét (Miklóstelep)
February 11 (maximum) +20.1 1958 Excavation pile
February 12 (minimum) -27.0 1935 Jászberény
February 12 (maximum) +22.9 1998 Rabagyarmat
February 13 (minimum) -27.3 1935 Excavation pile
February 13 (maximum) +21.8 1998 Rabagyarmat

When the country was paralyzed

The arctic cold is so scary because even a small amount of snow can cause serious disruption to the home. A bigger snowfall could cause a nationwide problem. This type of snow disaster in recent years was experienced by the country on March 15, 2013, when everyone was hit unexpectedly by snow forecast days.

Nationwide, more than 14,000 people and 3,720 cars had to be freed from captivity in the snow.

The army rescued those trapped on the road in armored vehicles. Disaster Management made 754 technical backups. Additionally, 270,000 people had energy problems. In addition to the authorities, volunteers helped those in need with tractors, hot tea and accommodation.

There has been no such paralysis since human memory.

Neither motorists nor the authorities believed that heavy snowfall in Western Europe should be taken seriously. Lost truck stops, catastrophic disaster relief, reassuring Orbán with lies – this is how the holidays turned into chaos.


A XX. One of the most memorable snow disasters in Hungary in the 19th century in 1987 paralyzed the country for days. The Arctic winter swept across the Carpathian Basin with heavy snowfall and 100 km of wind gusts per hour. Traffic collapsed in cities and the M7 motorway became a frozen desert. Székesfehérvár was caught by snow. People trapped on the roads were rescued by military tracks.

Not only the villages, but also the county areas were closed off by huge barriers of snow.

In Budapest, the gear brake system also froze at that time, causing two trains to collide at the Tamás Esze school stop. The train descending from Svábhegy sped unstoppably down the incline and then crashed into an uphill train. Both train drivers were killed and many were injured. Snowfall for days caused national problems and then turned into small rains, further dragging the crisis. The winter of January 1987 was memorable for many.

Winter is when the tanks leave for the children

Who cares about snow when witnesses drive the wedding car home in tails? What’s more, for a short time, it seemed that many of them were normal again: The terrible great winter after 30 years in the folklore of Index readers.

Code Red?

This year, the record for cold is not expected to exceed the record for cold, but the sensation of heat will be exacerbated by strong winds from the west and northwest. Although OMSZ has yet to issue a warning, slippery roads can be expected. Extreme cold can also cause power and heating interruptions. Hopefully the first severe cold snap this year will not cause the problems we faced almost 35 years ago.

A little attention can save lives

To our question, the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service wrote:

In times of crisis, the Maltese Hungarian Charity Service provides a reinforced street service to people who spend the night in public areas, parks and entrances.

No one in the institutions for the homeless of the Charity Service is turned away for lack of accommodation.

Hostels, night shelters, and day heaters have extended opening hours. Due to the extremely cold weather, the Charity Service is opening up new crisis areas. In case they fill up, he will create additional beds in his other institutions so that people in need can stay warm overnight.

Homeless dispatcher services are available 24 hours a day to receive calls for help. In Budapest a 06 1 / 338-41-86 they can report if they see a man in a soaked suit lying on the ground. In this case, stop and go to the person on the ground, call dispatch service and the Love Service staff member will help you with any questions you may have. The dispatcher will dispatch an emergency car to the scene.

The Charity Service highlighted:

In rainy weather, people who spend the night outdoors are at higher risk, as they can cool down faster in wet clothing, get serious illnesses, or limb injuries that never heal.

Recommendations from the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service if you see a person lying on the ground in extreme cold:

  • Notice it! People lying on the ground, sitting on bare concrete, or in soggy clothing can quickly cool down to temperatures close to freezing. It can be a tell-tale sign if someone is sitting or lying motionless for a long time.
  • Let’s tackle it! Ask if you need help. Feel free to go there, ask if we can do something about it.
  • Don’t hesitate to act! If the person is unable to respond or complains of discomfort or pain, call the homeless center or emergency number 112.

Contact details for regional dispatch services can be found on the home page of

Where did the heavy snow go?

They are not gone, the snow barriers can be raised at any time. However, based on the data, the plot will relax a bit. And they are very changeable.

Cover image: ORFK Photographer: H. Szabó Sándor
