Index – Domestic – Christmas sees old suspicion as proven based on leaked slide


Gergely Karácsony stated in a Facebook post on Wednesday that data from a presentation by the National Center for Public Health in late April shows that

The coronavirus reached the social and nursing homes in the capital through nosocomial infections.

In other words, data from government agencies refute the government’s accusation for weeks that

the epidemic is more prevalent in the capital’s nursing homes, and the reason for this is that the mayor acted late, not preparing the capital’s nursing homes for the epidemic.

The mayor, who is already suspicious of the key role of hospitals based on his previous publication, refers to a presentation obtained by Answer Online, from which he has published a single slide on the newspaper’s Facebook page so far (es say, has not elaborated further). This slide shows a graph with statistics on the distribution of new infections, not yet known to the public, showing that in the last days of April, 59 percent of new infections were hospital or institutional. According to the document, given that two thirds of the relatively low number of cases have an institutional background, the government may soon undertake a substantial relaxation of the current curfew and other restrictions.

However, Christmas stands out rather from the dataset (once again on a highlighted slide in a presentation) than

the epidemic mainly infects in and from hospitals.

That is, the infection is more common in state hospitals than in social institutions and nursing homes, since one in three infections is hospitalized.

The mayor also notes that, according to the National Center for Public Health, the infection was already present in hospitals when the Metropolitan Municipality asked the capital’s government office not to leave any hospital without a negative coronavirus test, but the The government described it as an “unnecessary cost”.

According to Christmas, they could be returned from hospitals to social institutions, infected in nursing homes, and said

Therefore, someone should be responsible for the decision of the government office.

And Christmas asks the government again:

  • why data on nosocomial infections is kept secret,
  • what they have done and what they want to do to stop the infection in hospitals,
  • and since this epidemic is present mainly in hospitals and from there to institutions,

why they hesitate, they are not sure of making a decision about the gradual and safe relaxation of the restrictions that affect the people of Budapest.
