Index – Domestic – Cecília Müller: one third of unoccupied hospital beds will be returned from Monday


One third of unoccupied hospital beds returned – information from operating staff May 15

Friday’s briefing by the operating tribunal began with Norer Izer, the secretary of state for fiscal affairs at the Treasury, who spoke of helping struggling businesses by also reducing the tax administration. He highlighted two measures:

  • Faster VAT payment, which in practice means that VAT can be paid to companies that are entitled to it within 20 days. Small and medium-sized companies can recover their VAT in 30 days instead of 75 days. Small and medium-sized companies that are reliable debtors can recover their VAT in an even shorter time, up to 20 days.
  • They postpone the tax refund deadline for four months, helping 600,000 NGOs and tens of thousands of accounting firms. For five types of taxes (corporate tax, small business tax, energy supplier income tax, local business tax, innovation tax), the tax should only be paid before September 30, so that companies automatically obtain additional resources.

Coronavirus infection was detected in 37 other Hungarians, increasing the number of infections identified in Hungary to 3,417. By Friday, 6 chronic patients had died, with a total of 442 coronavirus victims at home. By 1287, they had already been cured from the hospital. Currently, 614 coronavirus patients are seen in a hospital and 46 are on a respirator, the numbers were listed by the national chief physician Cecília Müller.

“With the restrictions reduced, the virus is still here with us, so it is important that we continue to follow the rules of epidemiological hygiene,” emphasized Müller. On the other hand, it will be possible to expand medical care services, so new services will be brought in starting Monday, about which Minister Miklós Kásler informed hospital managers in a video conference today:

  • The non-public health exam can start from May 18;
  • Starting Monday, you can also carry out planned interventions in hospital care;
  • one third of hospital beds emptied due to coronavirus can be released;
  • you still need to see a doctor
  • intensive beds still need to be maintained as the epidemic is still present and therefore epidemiological preparedness must be maintained;
  • Cure-like benefits also date back.

The national medical director said that cardiovascular patient care, coordinated by the National Institute of Cardiology, should be a priority.

Today, Müller did not mention a weasel, but a World Day for Pastoral Services. “We know very well that no one is in perfect health, but when our mental health is affected, we may need help in many cases.”

Anyone who now feels they need help should use these services. We are not alone, we cannot always see through this

Müller said, thanking those who help anonymously even in these times.

Lt. Col. Robert Kiss, an employee of the operating center’s service center, reported that more and more people in official household quarantine could be electronically controlled. The app has been downloaded by 641 so far, and a total of 551 are actively using it, which is still a negligible number compared to the current one

There are a total of 10,954 official quarantines in the home.

In the past 24 hours, police took action in 445 cases in Budapest and Pest County, of which 284 issued warnings, 117 issued on-site fines, and 44 reported. During the emergency, police have acted in a total of 50,343 cases so far in rape cases, Kiss said.

The Index still sent questions to operational staff today, which would have interested us:

  • What is the position of the operating tribe in reopening schools and kindergartens, what is the epidemiological reason for the need to open kindergartens first, as the Prime Minister said on the radio this morning?
  • What did operational staff suggest to the government: lift or maintain access restrictions to shops and restaurants in Budapest?
  • According to previous information, the condition for lifting the restrictions in the capital is the development of the epidemic situation in nursing homes in Budapest. How have the rates of new infections and deaths in nursing homes and social institutions changed in the last 7 days (in each day), how many new cases have been registered in the last seven days and in how many institutions?
  • How is the police changing their practice in dealing with suspected spreading horror cases? After the police acted on personal Facebook pages and prosecuted people on suspicion of spreading the horror, on this basis, government spokesperson Alexandra Szentkirályi’s “misinterpretation” of the Budapest trip to the countryside, or Gergely’s statement Gulyás the general public can also be considered a scarecrow on the chances of infection and infestation of those who are in government information?
  • Based on the results of the national transfection research of the universities so far, Béla Merkely, President of the University of Semmelweis, stated: There is no epidemic in Hungary. Based on the results, is it justified to maintain the epidemiological emergency?
  • Does the designation of the two epidemiological hospitals in Budapest, and some more in the field, also mean that the institutions can readmit patients into beds that have been vacated in recent weeks? Will these beds have to be released again in the event of another epidemic?
  • So far, how many patients have been cared for in total at the Kiskunhalas Mobile Epidemic Hospital and how many infected people currently live at the institution?

In vain, because we did not get it today choose to our questions However, in response to new requests from journalists:

  • The mobile hospital in Kiskunhalas will later have a reason for being and will function as a health care institution. (Hungarian nation)
  • Employing children is very important. The National Center for Public Health is making a comprehensive recommendation for campers and parents alike to ensure a safe camp. (Magyar Hírlap)
  • Whatever the meeting, it is important that everyone is healthy. It also interests grandchildren, grandmothers and parents. This is definitely something to keep in mind when we visit. (Inforádió, Ripost)
  • In the case of playgrounds, the objective is to provide them in hygienic and technical conditions. back those. The sand in the litter box needs to be replaced, and it’s a good idea for parents to have a washcloth that can be used to clean children’s toys and hands. (Riposo)
  • ORFK continuously consults on border openings with relevant neighboring authorities. More border crossings will open soon. (Northern Hungary)
  • In the two nursing homes in Zala, some of the positive patients were cared for in a hospital and one was isolated. Sanitizing cleaning is ongoing in both homes. (Zala County Newspaper)
  • For swimming pools, it is recommended to provide at least 4 square meters of water for a bathtub. (Eastern Hungary, Blikk)
  • It is not yet known when it will dissolve the ban on visits in nursing homes. However, it is important to know that the epidemiological provisions were designed to prevent transmission of the virus. (Mfor)
