Index – Domestic – Cecília Müller: A cured child is not infected


The cured child is no longer contagious, we welcome him back to the community, Cecília Müller stressed at the press conference of the operation on Thursday. The national medical director said that in the last 24 hours the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) had been detected in 932 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 34,046. 21 patients died, the youngest of whom was a 37-year-old man. The death toll rose to 898. The hospital cares for 804 coronavirus patients, 56 of whom are on ventilators.

Cecília Müller said that the deceased continued to suffer from diseases that are considered a public disease in Hungary, twelve of them, for example, were struggling with a basic cardiovascular disease. The medical director informed me that we are clearly in the ascendant stage. He added that this is also evident from the fact that 804 patients are already being cared for in the hospital, 56 of whom are on ventilators. He said:

We are witnessing a dynamic change. There was a sudden lack of capacity in several countries. Therefore, we ask the services to provide more accurate and real-time data, since it is very important that all health authorities always have up-to-date, up-to-date information, almost “ready for the clock”.

there is epidemiological preparation in the country. This means that we must be prepared for every eventuality, for every scenario. The defense is going according to plan, we have increased capacity in the hospitals and assignments are also being made. Supply points will be opened in stages as needed.

– Cecília Müller said, explaining that as soon as the health authority receives a signal that an institution is reaching 80 percent of its capacity, help will arrive. The chief physician provided precise details about the transfer.

To date, 746 healthcare workers have been transferred from 12 institutions to 12 other healthcare institutions treating coronavirus patients. Usually, nursing assistants, intensive care specialists, residents, interns, and pulmonologists were transferred. Another goal of the secondments is to allow institutions that are not closely involved in the care of coronavirus patients to continue with elective interventions. A big thank you to the doctors and healthcare workers again.

Cecília Müller said. He continued to examine the sewage samples.

Examining the sewage samples may lead to a bit of confidence at this point as we can see from the website that the levels of viral herbivores in the samples are now stagnant. So this means that in 4 to 10 days we do not have to expect serious illnesses.

– explained the chief doctor, then went on to say that PCR tests are carried out continuously in many laboratories. As you said, more than 790,000 tests have been done.

There are also a number of new opportunities for testing. In the spring, only so-called antibody tests were available, which could show results after the onset of the disease. Current new tests, on the other hand, would allow us to obtain a much faster diagnosis.

Cecília Müller said, then she spoke of a man who had died at 39 in the press.

We have seen in various places in the press that a 39-year-old deceased man is “really looking” for the list that we reported on the deceased. We know of the case, we know it, but it is still being identified, as we are working hard to provide you with only “valid” data.

He said. In response to questions from the journalist, Cecília Müller spoke about children who return to the community after an infection or suspected infection.

A very unfavorable phenomenon is the case of children who may have been positive or may have returned from quarantine. If he returns, the healed child will not be infected! Anyway, it supports the people of the pandemic and limitations, it supports everyone physically and mentally as well. It is especially important to help children cope with this, as they feel that something strange, something has changed around them. Therefore, I urge educators and parents to pay special attention to these children and welcome them into the community so that there is no exclusion.

Said the chief physician.
