Index – Domestic – Ágnes Galgóczi: at the beginning of summer we can reach the protective vaccination


The more people want to receive the first coronavirus vaccination, the timing of the second vaccination will change for the Pfizer-BioNTech and AstraZeneca vaccines, said Ágnes Galgóczi, head of the public service epidemiology department at the National Center for Public Health (NNK). television on Sunday.

The vaccination strategy so far has been to respect the time interval between the first and second vaccination in all cases, in accordance with the RCP. From now on, to prevent the spread of the virus, they try to give the first vaccination to as many people as possible, since it provides basic protection against infection, emphasized Ágnes Galgóczi. As he said, based on clinical, scientific and professional knowledge, attempts are being made to postpone the date of the second vaccination. For Pfizer, the second vaccine is pushed from day 21 to day 35.

For the AstraZeneca vaccine, the second vaccine will be administered at week 12, using the maximum duration specified in the package insert. For Moderna and the Russian and Chinese vaccines, the vaccination schedule between the two vaccines will not be changed for now.

Ágnes Galgóczi said he was confident that the first vaccination would provide protection that would prevent the spread of the infection. So maybe in late spring, early summer, they will come up with a vaccine that really protects the community.

In Hungary more than 670 thousand people have already been vaccinated.

The head of the NNK department finds that confidence in vaccination is increasing. As you said, three main types of mutants have been identified so far: British, South African, and Brazilian. These caused a significant change in the spread of the infection and in the properties of the virus.

Of these, the Brazilian mutant has not been identified so far in Hungary. The South African mutant has already been detected, while the British mutation has already been identified in more than 400 people, and this is already spreading in the Hungarian community. As the British mutant spreads faster, the number of new infections and hospitalizations is expected to increase further in the next period.

He said. He also pointed out that the concentration of hereditary coronavirus material in wastewater is currently stagnant in most of the country’s large cities, and increases have been measured in Salgótarján and Szombathely. The British mutant was also detected in the sewage samples, he added. However, the expert emphasized that the introduction of other mutations could be avoided by minimizing travel.

The epidemiological situation is constantly monitored and, if necessary, additional measures are introduced according to the number of cases. Now that discipline is paramount, I ask everyone to follow the epidemiological rules. By limiting the number of contacts, the spread of the epidemic can be reduced.

Said the head of the NNK department. He asked everyone who signed up and notified the doctor to make sure to use the vaccine because that was the only way to stop the rise of the third wave.
