Index – Domestic – According to Miklós Kásler, Matthias’s skeleton is assembled, the king is reburied


On Sunday, the Ministry of Human Resources published another part of the series with the minister Miklós Kásler titled Near Life. In the current broadcast, the minister spoke about health and cultural developments and the burial of King Matías.

He explained at the beginning of the conversation that “there are also improvements in health and something can be announced every week”

Last week, I was able to announce that more than 700 instruments and robots had arrived … specifically to support epidemic protection.

– He said.

He also reported on his visit to Croatia last Tuesday, when DNA samples were taken from the remains of King Matthias’s son, John Corvin, and his grandson, Christopher Corvin.

Thus, it is possible to find in the Hunyadi family the genetic segment that is exclusive to men, they can identify the bones of Matthias from the bones of the Székesfehérvár ossuary, assemble the skeleton and bury one of the greatest kings in a dignified way, indicated the minister. According to him, perhaps the old debate about the origin of the Hunyadi family could also be concluded on the basis of archaeogenetic results.
