Index – Domestic – A reformed pastor performed an open service in Buddha


Flora Dora Csatári

05/03/2020. 14:17
Modified: 03/05/2020 15:09

On Sunday morning, Dávid Illés, the pastor of the Reformed Church of the Buddha in the P + R parking lot in mermező, performed a Reformed service, according to a selection of photographs posted on MTI.

Believers could sit in their cars and listen to the ceremony. With pre-placed boxes, they could even settle the donation while sitting in their car.

There will be no Catholic mass in the open air

Masses will be made public again in the Szentkút basilica from May 5, however, by modifying the previous provision of the Bishop of Vác, it will not be possible to organize open-air masses in the national sanctuary from May 10, reported

Mátraverebély-Szentkút announced on its website on Saturday that open Masses can be held starting next Sunday, but the Bishop of Vác has since modified his previous provision and

at the moment it does not allow the celebration of open Masses anywhere.

At the same time, Masses can be celebrated in the church Monday through Friday and Sundays in the areas of the Diocese of Vác, outside Pest County (eg Szentkút). To maintain masses, the following conditions must be met:

  • one person per bank can sit,
  • believers cannot sit directly behind each other,
  • they must wear a face mask,
  • a handshake is not yet possible in peace,
  • only the sacrifice is possible in the hand, before and after the sacrifice the victim must disinfect his hand,
  • Only those under 65 can attend mass.

In Mátraverebély-Szentkút, Sunday mass usually takes place at 9:00 and 11:00, and the sacred litany begins at 10:30 in the church. Masses and ordinary psalms will be public in the church starting Tuesday, May 5.


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