The Alsószentmárton man, who was found dead a few hours later, was pushed home from a local pub in Talicska on Friday, Siklós Hírek reported. The man was also lying motionless in the wheelbarrow, and some say he may have been dead in the “corner pub”, but the pub owner said that was not true.
A section of the road was captured on camera from a store.
The newspaper also writes that the 40-year-old man was an alcoholic, making a living from an informal job, and his body was found by an acquaintance at a fire station that the man allegedly considered his residence anyway.
Meanwhile, the Baranya County Police Headquarters informed Siklós News that the Siklós Police Headquarters is prosecuting an unknown perpetrator for failing to provide assistance.
They point out that the man’s parents died in a fire in 2019. Tibor K. was a hard worker and everyone in town loved him.
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