Index – Domestic – A man has been charged at the border with a paraglider smuggling grass but falling and breaking his tailbone


“The Csongrád County Attorney General’s Office released a statement titled” Prosecution of a Group of Smugglers Flying Parachute Drugs Across the Border. “And so the story, that’s exactly what’s in this title.

The prosecutor’s office charged the three men who smuggled 18 kilograms of marijuana from Serbia to Hungary in August 2018 by transferring the drug to Hungary in a glider over the border.

According to the indictment, the defendants had known each other for a long time and also worked together at a company in Szeged. Using their connection and resources in Serbia, they decided to smuggle drugs into Hungary, taking advantage of one of their hobby skills in motor paragliding.

To this end, they have crossed the Serbian side of the border several times since May 2018 to explore suitable terrain for takeoff, which was eventually found near Horgos.

They then traveled to Novi Sad overnight and obtained the 17 packages of approximately 18 kilograms of marijuana placed in a black bag. The drug was hidden next to a landfill and returned to Hungary. Two days later, they traveled to Serbia again, transporting marijuana from the hiding place to a collected spot near Horgos, hiding there again, and traveling home again.

Approximately two weeks later, on August 30, crossing the border again in two separate cars, they went to the launch site next to Horgos, where they armed the paraglider and waited for the darkness. At 8 o’clock in the afternoon, one of the accused took the motorized paraglider with the drug and flew over the Serbian-Hungarian border block 10 minutes later.

however, on its way to the Hungarian side, the engine failed, first jumped and then stopped.

Therefore, the accused made a forced landing about 600 meters from the border line in a field near a forest strip near Tiszasziget.

He suffered a coccyx fracture during landing, but still had the strength to hide the drug.

through the trees before border guards arrive on the scene.

The defendant attempted to hide in the undergrowth, but was found and taken to the hospital due to his condition. The drug was not found at the time, but was found and confiscated by the police the next day, during a clear inspection.

The pure active ingredient content of marijuana exceeded the lower limit of a particularly significant amount, approximately one and a half times. The Attorney General’s Office accuses the accused of possessing a particularly significant amount of drugs and of illegally crossing the border. The guilt of the accused will be decided by the Szeged Court.
