A 37-year-old kindergarten educator from Szécsény died of a coronavirus on Sunday, RTL Klub Híradó reported. According to the news material, 37 women, 35 according to the city’s Facebook page, did not have any chronic diseases, they had fought the infection at home for some time.
The young woman’s parents are currently in quarantine, Timea’s father did not want to comment on the news, but all he said was that his daughter had endured the disease well for a long time and then suddenly deteriorated over the weekend and was taken to the hospital where she gave up the fight.
The municipality considers Timea to be its own dead.
He is a man of an extremely honest, hard-working and kind nature.
– said Andrea Csukáné Szerémy, deputy mayor of the city. As a precautionary measure, the kindergarten and nursery were also closed until the end of spring break.
Index also wrote previously that on Sunday a 16-year-old girl was the youngest victim of a coronavirus epidemic in Hungary.