Index – Domestic – A 22-year-old pseudo-manufacturing man has been accused of threatening public danger


The 22-year-old Nográd County man, who was rumored to be the epicenter of the new coronavirus epidemic, has been charged by the Balassagyarmat District Attorney’s Office with the threat of a public threat that he seriously disrupted. public order.

According to the indictment, the young man edited a news agency article on his computer at his residence on March 17, from 6 to 7 pm, using his headline, giving the impression that a chief hospital doctor said there was a ” epicenter “of the coronavirus in a neighboring city. so who can not go to the street. According to the forged article, a seriously infected man came to the hospital from the village, making anyone in his vicinity more likely to become infected.

The defendant then sent the transcribed article over the phone to an acquaintance in the neighboring village, who sent the news that he believed was real, and the false information spread on the Internet within a few hours.

To avoid the resulting fear and possible panic in the population, the settlement’s mayor had to issue a rebuttal statement on the community’s community page or on its official website, the prosecutor’s office writes. According to the defendant, the defendant knew that the news edited by him and transmitted on the Internet were not true: the hospital he indicated did not have a doctor named as mentioned in his article, and there were no patients with coronavirus disease in Nográd county at that moment.

The author threatened to commit an act of public danger that, in view of the new coronavirus pandemic, severely disrupted public order.

– wrote the Balassagyarmat District Prosecutor’s Office, which proposed the imposition of a suspended prison on an irresponsible young adult in his accusation.

We have already reported that the police so far

  • 87 procedures were initiated to spread terror news and
  • 27 due to a public threat during the epidemic.

There are currently 38 pending cases, 6 cases are already in the prosecution phase and a total of 16 suspects have been questioned during the investigations. In the same text, it is stated that in these cases the police take into account the positions expressed by the prosecution.

The police take note of the position of the prosecutor’s office and the decision made in specific cases in all cases, including Szerencs and Gyula, and will shape their additional practice in light of all this.

– he wrote referring to the most resonant cases of the last days.
