Index – Culture – Viktor Orbán gave it back to the Poles, it belongs to the Poles


Return to the Poles in the name of Polish-Hungarian friendship II. Ágost Zsigmond is King Poland’s child armor, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at Krakow Castle on Wednesday when he solemnly handed over II. The infantile armor of King Sigismund of Poland.

On the spot, Viktor Orbán highlighted in his speech: it was not such an easy story, but after a while it became clear that the truth was on Poland’s side, they deserved this precious object, although “it also touched our hearts.”

He said the situation was complicated by the fact that in Hungary, as probably in Poland, museologists are the best guardians of the national treasure, they protect what belongs to the nation’s culture and are reluctant to give up a single piece.

It wasn’t a simple Hungarian internal debate until it was decided that this would be good, the armor should go where it belongs.

– He said remembering that by a lucky coincidence, a misunderstanding, the armor arrived in Hungary, because they thought that II. Louis of Hungary belongs to the king.

We thought it was ours. But then it turned out that it was different, and II. Sigismund Augustus belongs to the King of Poland

He said. He added that the origins of armor better than this have yet to be investigated. The Prime Minister stressed that they bowed to the historical facts and the truth, they realized that the armor belonged to Poland. When the Polish prime minister approached Hungary with a formal request, the only possible decision was made by the Hungarian-Polish friendship: they gave back what the Poles had, he said.

The prime minister said that, by law, the armor is undoubtedly already in the hands of the Poles, but asked them to allow us to “still feel a little bit in the heart” and take care of it as Hungary did. They abandon the armor in the hope that sooner or later everything in history will fall into place, he added.

The Prime Minister also thanked Hungary for maintaining the armor thus far.

In his speech, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki thanked “the exceptional gift of the Hungarian nation” and declared:

From now on, the armor becomes another symbol of Polish-Hungarian friendship.

He was pleased that the artwork returned to Krakow Castle, where II. The ashes of Ágost Zsigmond also rest. He recalled that the king was the last descendant of the Jagiellonian monarchy, who declared during the religious wars of the 16th century: “I am not the king of consciences”, thus creating a space of freedom and healthy tolerance.

The ruler built the strength of Central Europe in the same way that the Visegrad countries are now trying more and more boldly.

Morawiecki concluded his speech.

The armor probably arrived in Hungary by mistake a hundred years ago, as the Trianon dictatorship and the Saint-Germain peace treaty stipulated that Austria had to supply objects “falling under the concept of Hungarian intellectual property” from the old collections of court. this time they were still thought to be the infantile armor of Louis II.

Only a few years later, it became clear that the owner of the armor was, in fact, II. Sigismund was king of Poland, and at some point in the time of Maria Teresa they were able to exchange the two objects.

Armor is a specialty of applied arts and military history, and is probably extremely valuable as well. Contemporary armor made in northern Italy in the early 17th century, which has remained in its original condition but cannot be linked to a famous historical figure, sold for more than £ 1 million at Sotheby’s auction in 2017, for example.

(Cover image: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivers a speech at the delivery of the infant armor to King Zsigmond II of Poland at Krakow Castle on February 17, 2021. Photo: Prime Minister’s Press Office / Zoltán Fischer / MTI)
