Index – Culture – The EFOTT festival is held in late August



05/13/2020. 14:15

The EFOTT festival will be held (or at least wants to be held) on Lake Venice from August 26-30, after the public really wants to party according to the organizers questionnaire.


We come with great news: based on the results of the questionnaire, you would like to be at EFOTT at least as much this year as we are! Therefore, we are pleased to announce that we will be taking Lake Venice again on the last weekend of August.

– The festival organizers published on Facebook. They added: “Of course, we will continue to watch the news and, in accordance with the law, we will do our best to bring you a real EFOTT experience in August too!”

Under current government regulations, it is certainly prohibited to hold any massive event until August 15; what a week and a half after that date will be the case with crowded festivals, where hardly any more serious precautions can be taken, is not yet known; According to a great concert organizer, there will be no concerts for at least another year. But EFOTT seems optimistic.

On the serious problems that the epidemic caused the music industry and the fact that the government did essentially nothing in this area, we wrote about this at the beginning of the epidemic in this article and more recently in this article.

Don’t miss a thing!


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