Index – Culture – “Supposedly I have post-communist jokes”


It’s a pleasure to see you feel good.

All my life I’ve been thinking about meat. The Hobo Blues Band started in 1978 and it was only later in my stage career that I was a clown before all of that. Humor has always been important to me, I was surprised when I edited two volumes of Hobo Ludens in 2017 and read what I wrote from 1967 to 2017. Because that’s when the confrontation came – there are some very funny parts, but I only occasionally got involved in This “I’ll tell you if you like it, if not” way. In other words, in the role of “I am the valve at the bottom of the country.” While Hunting’s songs are sad, Circus Hungaricus is also damned bitter. Hello, Joe the Hungarian! I went out last year, which is the most important thing now. Attila Vidnyánszky also directed a part. Well that’s terrible too. József Magyar, that is, Joe, killed his wife, surrendered, killed his conscience, repented of everything, sat down to punish, atoned for, went out, although he faced himself, but could not find comfort. I always struggle with something like this that rewrites my still penchant for cattle.

Hungarian Decameron: Shadow Government on Margaret Island

Now, however, all this was replaced by Jenő Rejtő, who inspired his latest work. Why is this due?

When the quarantine broke out, I was reminded of the Boccaccio Decameron, which takes place during a plague epidemic, the idea came from the parallel. He also added that he would try to make people laugh in this hateful country.

Well, I realized that the ten famous figures would come out of Jenő Rejtő’s various novels and go to Oran, but they would get stuck in Budapest and, Vesztegzár in the Grand Hotel, they would lock them up on Margaret Island. Here they tell their stories and then form a shadow government that ultimately fails.

Can we walk through the characters?

It has ten characters, according to Decameron. You have Fred Piszkos, Iván Gorcsev, Csülök, Hümér Troppauer, the lyrical poet who hits the audience and then reads it from his poems – obviously it would be me – and Nobody Alfonz, Vanek B. Eduárd, Leila, the Arab demon, Laura de Pirelli She is an opera singer. Most of them are all in different novels, so I gathered them at the Grand Hotel, where they also line up for a government position.

These are just eight … who do we miss?

Trapeze artist Lola Zwilliner and Jimmy Fülig.

The Prime Minister: Nobody Alfonz

Who gets what position in government?

I’m reluctant to go into a preliminary description and lyrics because the music and the pictures speak for themselves, but if you’ve already asked the question, so be it.

No one will be Alfonz the prime minister, his is the chorus: “Let’s seize the opportunity, let’s take power!”

Distribute the wallets. Ivan Gorchev would be the Foreign Minister, Vanek B. Eduard the minister of the king’s person, because he knows everyone, so he can lobby well.

To his ear, Jimmy resembles the text: “A child of the world is smoking a cigar in the Grand Hotel lounge. His attire is a badge cap, a prominent monocle over his eyes, breeches, and faux leather. In his suitcase is a volume of Lenin, Swedish crown jewels, boxing, six types of passports, incense and cross letters and those damn dirty Rolling Stones. “Then comes this:” South is waiting for Dirty Fred, who is a Dark-hearted hobo. And if the poker isn’t going well, then they go to the casino and rob the vault. “

I am lucky with Ivan Gorchev because I supposedly have post-communist jokes, so I took the opportunity to be a good foreign minister. “His ancestry is perfect, he has no blemishes, his father was Brezhnev’s cousin. We can safely send him to the European Council, he doesn’t screw anyone, he doesn’t need advice. “

I think I managed to keep the hiding line relatively. I mean things like, “Your losses pay off because there is no business without risk.” I was able to bring in quite a few original hidden quotes. I molded the letter and the style of the interpreter according to this style of writing. The latter evokes the style of fairground announcers and cabaret singers, but there are many transitions from singing to prose and vice versa.

What style of music?

Mixed. There are boogie-voogie, couples, even blues, but no rock and rolls. There is also the tango. I sing everything. First I wanted to ask the female roles Szucs Nellie. She came from Beregszász and I think she is one of the best Hungarian actresses today. I also played with him, wrote him a piece, I know him very well. But the female members of my family persuaded me to do these feminine numbers and self-parody. We will see how they are received.

These are accompanied by the original comic illustrations by Pál Korcsmáros, which we saw in Fülese in the 70s. I contacted one of the teacher’s grandsons, drawing rights manager With Gábor Korcsmáros, who later sent me the artist Zsolt Garisa. In addition to the original Hidden Figures, he drew my caricature and then my fellow musicians as well. In addition, he developed the style and position of the background figures completely independently. The letter contains the letter.

75 years and 31 files

Was this how a Pál Korcsmáros – Jenő Rejtő – Hobo loud comic was born?

It is not really a comic because it has no plot. Audiobook, where my lyrics in the style of Pál Korcsmáros are enriched with illustrations by Zsolt Garisa – with the colors of Zoltán Varga. The book is sixty-four pages, on thin paper, with a hard cover and comes with a CD.

Can László Földes be seen in the comic?

Nana! On the cover I stand between Mr. Vanek and Dirty Fred, hugging them, top in capital letters: HOBO, below the title: Hiding Decameron.

Who are you playing with

With the musicians we already made the Bob Dylan album, then Hey, Hungarian Joe! István Gál, Csanád Igali, Zoltán Kiss and Csaba Pengő make up the team.

Why do you have to turn so much at seventy-five? Can’t you just relax and enjoy what you’ve accomplished so far?

Throughout my life, I had more ideas than I was able to realize in time. This is how I live. I am currently writing a book on the last 75 years. I am at 451 pages. It is a very difficult job.

I have several other ideas. I also gave birth to two plays in vases, now a third must be written for them by Vidnyánszky, while we have not even presented the first two. The premiere of one will probably be in the spring. A title for two players, “31 Dossier”, processes my police equipment and my prohibited numbers.

“I don’t belong to anyone”

Have you been reported many times?

First before graduating, in 1963, then in 1968. Then, in 1972, he was already arrested. After the search of the house, they took me to the prison on Gyorskocsi Street, but before that, they confiscated my writings found in my apartment. Among them was the “Oratorio Petofi”, which did not exhaust the fact of excitement just because a single copy was found.

I also wanted to do a number with him last year, but the material was only available at the Historical Office, where

the historian asked me if I was interested in what else about me besides this material from 1972. Then he pressed a button and 31 files came out, 282 pages.

How did you organize what you read in the files?

After all this time, this is no longer a real problem. After the regime change, I asked historian János Kenedi if there was an informant in the Hobo Blues Band. It wasn’t, he replied, and I calmed down. That would have put the door.

Among the documents there are many reports, testimonies, text copies of concert recordings, as well as studies, status reports of what I did back then. Also of the theatrical part and the literary part. But much of everything has gone without a trace. For example, the record of my police beating after the 1979 Tata concert or the record of the events at the Omega Club in early 1968, even though I was involved in a series of interrogations at the Budapest police station afterwards. of the late Sándor Szalkai. With a stool, ”she stirred with excitement. But it was that in the late 1970s, the father of one of my girlfriends at the time was also oppressing me.

But not just to say meanness; In the late 1990s, before the premiere of our album Next to the Campfire at the Sports Hall in Budapest, a well-known musician approached me, confessed that he had made a complaint and apologized. I won’t say his name because at least he could face himself.

Are you lenient in this regard?

I don’t make a case for that because I’ve always been exposed to all kinds of attacks. One side hates me because they think I belong to the other side, and the other side hates me because they think I’m not going between them because I belong to them.

However, I do not belong to anyone they cannot accept because of the compulsion of hatred that was born with them or took root in them.

But who wrote this? “Die and you’ll be great!”

A great or tall and popular poet. As a staunch Belgian, what about the great national goalkeeper, that practically everyone has to choose a team and be excluded from the game if he does not belong to either of them?

I was a basketball player, I have to shoot there, not shoot it. The Hobo Blues Band no longer stopped anywhere. With the works we created with Egon Póka in the eighties we show that there is a path that has something to say, although no one has come before us, nor will it come after us. I don’t think I have strayed from this path since.

I was a high school teacher, singing while teaching, jumping like Mick Jagger. I played music for love, and since I didn’t learn music, I didn’t think I was going to meet it. I didn’t do it for that. By then, my stories had already appeared, I had played in movies. At first I was the subject of incredible teases, I hated the music industry, then in four years we beat the whole band.

Hobo as a character brought something new to the world of Hungarian blues, also the lyrics were good, the musicians were very good.

And there was Bill. There was a kind of triple dramaturgy to the thing. He sang, I sang and we sang together.

When the three of us and Spider took the stage, they saw men, not garish tenors, rescued from the tournament.

In any case, what was born of us at that age had nothing to do with anything. Neither for one mentality nor for the other. Neither musically nor in style, and so it went on. They meet on two shores and hate each other, and I go to the middle. Here comes the “Hiding Decameron”, in which, as so often in the last 40 years, there are power coups. I didn’t even ask for support from the National Cultural Fund. It doesn’t suit my face.

Nobody Alfonz

After that, the label sticks even better: Hobo is pro-government. In addition, he works with Vidnyánszky.

If someone listens to the song “Nobody Alfonz” or the whole album, they could change their beliefs that way, at least if they aren’t stupid. You have to listen and like it or not.

When will this audiovisual book be released?

Opening in November, the record show will be at the National Theater on December 12, if you can still act until then.

The good thing is that it can be screened here in the Nation. So dazzling patterns can appear in the background, while I sing and do pirouettes in front of you to beneficial effect. I add new old and embarrassing numbers like Mata Hari, Sleeping Beauty and the Seven Dwarfs or Beyond the Opera to the new material, and I hope the thing turns into a horrible ripper. It will probably be accompanied by a set of frames, including the poem “We are the army of the Saracens” or the playable parts of filthy Toldi.

Let this be the last word: on this album, I pay tribute to Giovanni Boccaccio and Jenő Rejtő and thank them for their brilliant work.
