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If there were a ranking of what parents would not like to hear from their children in their continuing education plans, the poker player would certainly be on the podium. However, poker as a livelihood is becoming more common in Hungary, and not by accident. Additionally, since the Covid epidemic, young people have been particularly drawn to all the money-making opportunities that can be made from home. Especially if you do not require professional training and the expected monthly salary can reach many times the Hungarian minimum wage. Online poker falls into the last category.

I just drifted off after high school. At the time, there were a couple of people around me who were serious about poker. I thought I’d try it too and asked them to introduce me to the world online. I soon realized that I was doing remarkably well with poker even at work, so I thought I’d try what it was like to focus on it at full throttle.

Well, that’s how it started, and it’s been my job ever since: the player known as szaki07 in the poker world, who, like many of his peers, doesn’t like to reveal his identity, so he got his nickname. He says it used to be easier to cut it because there were fewer professionals, making it easier to make money.

The advice for players just starting out is to put aside their reserves and set precise goals for themselves.

I also play live, but it’s just for fun. Living is very different from online poker. You can play fewer games, the higher the variation, the more luck matters. In return, the players are not as skilled and accept higher stakes. I’ve been to Las Vegas several times, but I only played my first official WSOP event in the summer of 2019. The atmosphere in a competition like this is not at all like in the movies, much better. Different ages and different living conditions are represented, which can lead to particularly exciting encounters. “

At home, this form of play has been more and more fun than fun for more and more people over the past fifteen years. With its many positive qualities, it is an exciting alternative for those who have not found what is right for them in the world of everyday work. Here you allocate your own time, work as much as you want or know how, and yet you can earn money playing. And that money can be a lot, even an uncle Dagoberto.

You should also knead on the card

On the other hand, just like nothing in life is just a game and a fairy tale except Disney movies, obviously this job is full of challenges too. The difficulty starts from the beginning that not everyone can become their own boss. Chaining yourself in front of a monitor for long hours often means resignations. You have to get up early, or on the contrary, you have to stay awake even when everyone is already asleep in the sleep of the righteous. Poker, especially online, requires knowledge that constantly changes over time. Obviously, the rules will not be known, but the knowledge of the people who play that particular form of game. And it is not enough to learn the game once. Even just athletes, professional poker players need to train weekly.
This distinguishes the player from the winnings.

While the former plays with passion and drive, behind the decision of the latter are long hours of analysis.

The other important difference lies in the number of games played. Professionals know that gambling is affected by luck. However, in the long run, the role of our decisions is more dominant, which is why poker is becoming a strategic game for them. This, in turn, leads to the next essential point. For mental health. For a gambling addict, this profession is never a way of life. While the pros get the cash from the cashier, the addicts put their money back on the game until it’s over. However, if someone is a professional, it does not mean that everything goes like a hoop from now on.

There may be something wrong with your head

In addition to a lot of work invested, it is in the deck (literally) that someone is “malfunctioning” in the long run. This, especially for high-risk players, can cause the price of an apartment in Budapest to drop several times over for months. In such cases, no one is comforted knowing that this money can be recovered. In the same way that we do not fall asleep forty degrees more easily thinking that in a few weeks the weather will be cooler.

Therefore, anyone choosing to get serious about poker and training to be a professional should do almost as much to strengthen their mental health as game theory.

Márton Kovalovszki went from being a poker player to a mental coach. He shouldn’t be imagined as a famous coach throwing out platitudes for millions while standing on stage. His job is complex and allows players to reduce or avoid difficult periods.

Most players come to me for help when something is already wrong. If you spend long hours studying in vain, the game does not go well for you.

Even then there is a solution, but practice shows that it pays to start working together as soon as possible, making it easier to get through a more difficult period. I can help us jointly recognize the squads that the players follow. These patterns affect most areas of their lives, so if we tackle the root of the problem, we hit more birds with one stone. Poker is also a good tool for mental development because it is a very intense game from the beginning. It can strengthen our survival instincts and our fears of loss. Of course, the goal is not to get rid of our feelings, but if we do not make unconscious decisions, according to the trap, we can have a much greater impact on our own lives.

Only in the long run will he be a good poker player who knows himself. “

From all this, it can be deduced that it is also a profession with which someone has an affinity or not. However, if you have one and are prepared to sit alone on four walls for days, poker can be a great way to live out our youth and our dreams.

Gray area, female hands

The great advantage is that it is not stationary. You need a laptop, good internet connection, and can be played almost anywhere in the world. Well, they are banned in America. But there are plenty of gamers who flee to Bali or Thailand during the winter months, working in the tropics only to cool off in one of the oceans after work, not their four-by-six air conditioner.

Poker is an educational game, essentially available to anyone. It is not uncommon for women to obtain a higher degree.

I come from a shrunken family, I started training from online materials, while learning the nursing profession, for which I had to get up at three in the morning. Once I could feel the physical pain from the sound of the alarm clock, I decided to do what I love the most. I chose poker.

This is how I found an ad for a Hungarian team looking for players. I requested and managed to comply with the recording. I worked here for years, I loved it so much. But in the end I felt that it was too antisocial, I did not meet anyone, I just sat in front of the machine, so I said goodbye to poker, but not entirely, in this environment I met my love, who also works as a player, who has been my husband ever since, ”says aLEXAndra411. who says

In live play, it’s especially good for someone to start out as a woman, as many people don’t care about it, that she can benefit from it.

There is a monopoly of gambling in Hungary, the legality of online poker falls into the gray zone, but it is more legal than not. The dilemma stems from the fact that players cannot clearly pay taxes after winnings. After all, if you win ten florins, but lost twenty the day before, why should you pay? Therefore, at home, the tax burden has to be borne by the poker rooms. This is not so easy either, as the largest and most searched online sites are registered abroad. Therefore, the gambling itself is not illegal online, however, if someone wants to officially announce a greater amount of their winnings, it is better to prepare in spirit to say goodbye to almost half of the amount in the form of tax.

(Cover image by Artur LebedevTASS via Getty Images)
