Index – Culture – Season of Injection Molded Movies on Netflix and HBO


It’s magical, what else could it be. Perhaps it is still a snowball that shakes sometimes, and although all its elements are the same, what falls and snowflakes fall, we still think that it is something else.

Because by observing the shedding of Christmas movies in Western culture, we can have the feeling that we have been in this cinema as if we had been before. And as if even the actors of the projected films were the same. Only while in one there is this type, this woman is the protagonist, in the other she is just a sister or a brother; and the one to be conquered in this movie is the winner in the other.

The formula is simple:

  • In this film, she is a husband, in the other a lover.
  • In this, she is an ordinary girl, in the other a princess.
  • In this successful businessman, in the other salesperson.
  • In this Chicago, in the other Chicago.
  • In this America, in the other European principality.
  • He’s lonely in that too.

And if we look at the movies, it’s as if someone once wrote two not-so-complicated Christmas stories and then randomly intertwined the characters and destinations in them.

You have a beautiful, hardworking, humble girl and you have a prince.

  • The latter should preferably live in some fictional European country, in the snowy Alps, perhaps on the Adriatic coast, the name of the duchy ends in -via, and the point is that the girl will get there somehow. Winter there, go on stage, ask for your job, and then accidentally, but really by accident, they meet. But the girl does not know, however, how she could know that the man is actually a prince, but they still fall in love with each other. And before the movie ends with an attack, you will need a little fight, cunning. The girl wants to go home, or even travel home, and the prince must regret that he does not want to marry anyway. But the screenwriter is a great boy or girl, so he still brings lovers together. Shovel, hoe, big bell. Dingdong.

In the other story, there is a company, be it a toy or a chocolate factory.

  • The girl or boy takes control of this from their parent. The heir. Who wants to prove they are worthy of running a business. He just didn’t understand anything about what he should be doing. Or you get it, but you want to run the company in another way. So he goes to the factory to find out what and how they are made. There is a newly divorced woman or man in town, with or without a child, but they can also be widowed. They are intelligent and handsome / handsome … And from here the story is the same as in the previous version. Conflict, encounter, love, conflict, then shovel, hoe, big bell. Dingdong. How simple …

And it’s all good that in many Christmas movies, the snow is just an illusion, and the dialogues sway like hot chocolate at the bottom of the polka dot mug, and in the tangled maze of platitudes, mainly only music helps understand that now there is an easy or dramatic scene. situation.

And yet it works. The goblin knows why. Perhaps because at the end of the year so much dirt is accumulating in people’s souls, they carry so much burden on their shoulders that even a snowball movie can calm the soul and calm the mind. And the movies you know from the first frame are the end of the hepiend, we don’t expect anything more than that.

  • to cry at the end.
  • Or laugh.

Whichever is. The point is to be liberating.

Or because it really touches you.

Or because it really is and it finally ends.

(Cover Image: Scene from the Christmas Knight. Photo: Brooke Palmer / Netflix)
