Index – Culture – Sára Salkaházi is happy and sincere today, but she was shot and killed seventy-six years ago


The life of the old master in Košice was determined by the Hungarian and helping Christian love. Born into a trendy bourgeois family, his father was the owner of the Hotel Schalkház, which also functions as the intellectual and cultural center of the highland city. For the family of Austrian descent, Hungarian came naturally.

Sarah, who graduated as a teacher, after becoming a Czechoslovakian citizen as a result of Trianon’s decision, rejected the oath of allegiance imposed on public servants and was therefore unable to teach.

Later, in 1942, when many were resolutely investigating the German branches in their family trees, he Hungarized his name from Schalkházi to Salkaháza in protest against National Socialist ideas.

Her father died early, the family hotel was run by her mother, who had enough income to support her daughters, but independence was important to Sarah at the time. He was an apprentice bookbinder, while trying to write. With considerable success, his first articles were published by Hungarian newspapers in the Highlands. Volume of stories, a Black flute It was published in September 1926, in November

the Kazinczy Society recognized his writing activities with a cash award of five hundred crowns.

He was also interested in the life and fate of the poor and vulnerable in his newspaper articles and as a writer. He was committed to social principles, but condemned both communism and fascism.

At that time he went to cafes, smoked cigarettes, lived a bourgeois intellectual life, had every chance to ensure his existence as a writer, he also had a petitioner, but he chose another path.

Sara Salkaházi

Sara Salkaházi

Photo: Wikipedia

In 1927 he met the members of the Social Brothers Society in Košice. The company founded by Margit Slachta – she was the first Hungarian woman to win a seat in parliament – adopted the principles of the Benedictine order, but its members were not considered monks and were mainly engaged in charitable, social and public activities.

Sarah completed the necessary courses, started social work, and then applied for a novice two years later. He taught twenty-six hours a week, in addition to running a children’s kitchen, running a sacramental shop, supervising a poor house, and editing the Catholic woman magazine.

In 1937 he applied for missionary work in Brazil to the Hungarian Benedictine monks who served there. When he received the Czechoslovak passport and visa, Košice had returned to the Hungarian government under the first Vienna decision of 1938. He also began to obtain the Hungarian documents necessary for the trip, but missionary work abroad was wiped out by World War II. .

Directed by Margit Slachta

the Society of Social Brothers has been resolutely opposed to anti-Semitism from the beginning.

Because the company is Christian, it cannot adopt Jewish law.

– nailed in 1939.

Sister Sarah made her perpetual vow in 1940, then edited a newspaper, established five new homes for the poor in three years, and began building the Workers’ College. Meanwhile, he felt an increasingly serious duty to unconditionally help the persecuted Jews.

The website of the Jad Vasem Institute in Jerusalem offers a brief summary of the lives and activities of those admitted to the Truth of the World. Sara Salkaházi is praised as follows:

In 1943, the lives of Miró Grósz and his little son were saved in Kassa. They were first taken to Budapest to the convent there, obtained false papers for the woman, and were nominally admitted to the nurses. After the Arrow Cross seized power, the family fled back to Kassa. They both survived the persecution of the Jews. Sára Salkaházi stayed in Budapest.

On October 15, 1944, Hungary fell to Ferenc Szálasi and Arrow Cross. The Jews who sought refuge were hired as employees in the Pest house of the Working Girls Movement led by Sára Salkaházi at 3 Bokréta Street. They were also provided with documents that provided protection during the certifications. The building, which has a capacity for one hundred and fifty people, is packed.

Meanwhile, Hungarian soldiers were also accosted in the building. An employee of the house did not refuse to woo the dollars, which the religious director did not look favorably on, and asked him to behave accordingly.

The offended maid reported it to Arrow Cross.

He was beaten at home on December 27. Sarah Salkaházi may have escaped, but she said she had to stay because she was the leader. All were certified, but the gray sisters provided their protégés with such excellent documents that the pribes arrested a total of four people. It is said that they were transported to the ghetto. Salkaházi, as the leader and deputy director of the home, Vilma Bernovits, a religious teacher, was also kidnapped. Until the evening, the prisoners remained in the arrow house in Ferenc körút, and were then taken to the Main Customs. The naked and naked victims were shot and killed on the banks of the Danube. The body of Sára Salkaházi was never removed, the water was swept away.

Twenty years later, one of the defendants in the Zugló archery testified about the murder:

Then, before the volley exploded, a short, short, black-haired woman turned to her executioners with inexplicable calm … then knelt down and held up a large cross for herself.

It was classified among the Truths of the World by the Jad Vasem Institute in 1969, and on September 17, 2006, the Catholic Church inaugurated Sara Salkaházi.

(As a retiring history teacher, I am very pleased to note that Anna Lovas, a student at Német László Secondary School, was a great help in writing this article. A happy life and work: Sára Salkaházi excellent project, which he prepared for the National Baccalaureate Study Contest in the 2009/2010 school year. Congratulations to him and his teachers too.)
