Index – Culture – Róbert Alföldi: Don’t dictate


In an open letter, he addressed Zoltán Rátóti, a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Theater and Film Arts, like his friend, Róbert Alföldi, in response to the announcement issued yesterday by the board. In this, the board chaired by Attila Vidnyánszky emphasizes the unacceptable and irresponsible resignation of the SZFE leaders.

The statement also highlights that

SZFE leaders and students, who have been offered the opportunity to negotiate on many occasions, have not taken advantage of it, and the foundation, as before, is willing to negotiate with SZFE students and teachers.

Róbert Alföldi affirms at the beginning of his letter that, since he is not a university professor, personal interests do not guide him when writing his lines.

According to him, the biggest problem is that the members of the Board do not understand what is happening these days, what the young people began to protest and why the leadership resigned.

(…) I still understand that the owner of the board of trustees does not understand what is happening because he cannot.

And even before someone accuses me in a vile way of questioning someone’s Hungarian or national identity, I will emphatically state that I am not writing about it.

According to the actor-director, the reason for the misunderstanding is the different cultural environment that served as their cradle.

Tamás Ascher also resigned from SZFE

He tries to teach his students in some alternative way.

(…) we admired the performances of other teachers, we were raised by a different theater culture, we had a different theatrical past. So we understand theater in a different way, I take a risk, we mean something else by good theater.

According to Róbert Alföldi, there is a kind of satisfaction on the part of those who may have felt oppressed before, but according to him, their oppression is somewhere more rooted in the fact that they are less talented.

We have already strayed here, there, to this side, and to that side, we only have the destructive and selfish temperament in us. Revans are taken over by those who felt oppressed. (“Because now we’re going …”) But to quote Hoff loosely, couldn’t they have been downtrodden, just not that talented, and now is the time to suddenly be talented because they supported those in power?

Árpád Schilling on Attila Vidnyánszky: it was a clear humiliation

The Chalk Circle founder feels they have been ridiculed, not taken seriously, and publicly ashamed of them.

The personal tone lyrics Róbert Alföldi calls for dialogue and urges the addressee of his letter, Zoltán Rátóti, not to let the teachers who rose up in their day be humiliated.

(…) not dictate, but communicate as equals, respecting each other and respecting the work of others, even decades of work.

At the same time, Attila Vidnyánszky, a guest last night on ATV’s Straight Talk, said that everything had been done for cooperation, but the SZFE management refused to have any real dialogue.

(Cover image: Róbert Alföldi. Photo: Zoltán Balogh / MTI)
