Index – Culture – one of the best pizzerias in Europe


Riccardo Bianchi, the restaurant manager, and his Italian business partners dreamed of a youthful, Milanese-style, pizza-focused Italian restaurant in the capital. When asked how risky it is to open a pizzeria in the Hungarian gastronomic revolution, especially since this food is offered in countless places, he responds:

“We knew what important processes were taking place in the hospitality industry in Hungary, so it seemed good to us to open a place away from a fast food restaurant, focusing on high quality pizza and masterpieces of Italian cuisine.”

As for qualifying for the Top 50 Pizza Europe award, Milan says they can’t really fathom it even now as they have only been open for a year and the mandatory closure during the pandemic is also recent.

As he says, the most important person in a pizzeria is the pizzaiolo, that is, the pizza master who has Lorenzo Giuliani of Tuscan descent with them.

“He’s the one who experimented for months with our own pizza dough recipe, from which our pizzas are made today.”

Its raw material is imported from Italy, vegetables and meat are bought from Hungarian producers and breeders. However, the offer is dominated by Italian beers, wines and desserts, with only a few Hungarian wines on the menu.

This makes it an advantage

The most important evaluation criteria for the Top 50 Pizza Europe award include the quality of the pizza and pizza dough, the quality of the ingredients, the selection of wine and beer dishes, and the quality of service and cleanliness of the place. . The identities of critics are unknown, as in the case of the world’s most famous gastronomic awards, the Michelin Guide or the Gault Millau, and it is not possible to know the basis on which the restaurant is selected to judge. This year, the top three places in Europe were won by 50 Kalò Di Ciro Salvo in London, Via Toledo in Vienna and the Bijou pizzeria in Paris.

Riccardo Bianchi also talks about the fact that they make Neapolitan-type pizza because according to his preliminary survey, there is much less available in Budapest. According to him, in the capital of our country the Roman type is more common, which is drier and crunchier, so when we cut it, the slice stops in the hand and can be easily consumed.

“Neapolitan pizza has a much higher moisture content (60 to 70 percent), so it can’t even be eaten by hand unless it’s folded like an envelope so the toppings don’t come off it. It also has a huge rim, called a cornicione, which can cause a lot more toppings than Roman pizza. “
