Index – Culture – László Palik: Exatlon sniffed and did not let go


He is filming in Dominica for the third time, but now for the first time they have to overcome the pandemic. How do you experience this period, away from Hungary, from events at home?

Those of us who work here live in Exatlon, working on this show 24 hours a day. It is a closed world in all respects. One thing we know is that we believe that with our work here, we can forget about the pandemic with our compatriots for a few hours in the afternoons. This is our own mission here in the Dominican Republic.

How does the coronavirus affect you in such an isolated situation? Are you monitoring developments?

Of course, I will follow the developments. I take note of the precautions that are taken in response to the pandemic, wherever you are in the world, because that is the only way to control this epidemic. Only together can we overcome the pandemic in a disciplined way. Beyond that, I do my job and I think that my colleagues and I are very fortunate in this terrible process that has been going on for a year, because we have a job that we love and that we can do day after day. With this job we have a goal, a task and a mission. Today, you can’t dream of more than that.

What is life like in the Dominican Republic in the time of the coronavirus?

I confess that I have no experience outside of filming. This show is screened on three continents, 24 hours a day, thanks to the work of approximately 600 people during the week. During these months, it is such that no “no-shoot” period is given to either the actors or the creators. Exatlon absorbed us at the beginning of the racing series and we will stay there until the end.

He trains daily and has been on a special diet for years. Would you reveal your agenda and menu during Exatlon?

I work, I train, I sleep, I work, I train, I sleep… So somehow my days are spent here. But I confess, I really like that. I love living on a system, I love my profession, watching television and it is good to live the daily life of a multi-ethnic television community. And I eat the same vegetables and fruits that I have been eating anywhere in the world for a decade.

The viewer votes with the remote control

How exhausting is it to broadcast an exatlantic task than a Formula One race?

From a commentator’s point of view, I never distinguished between homework and homework. I think we are colleagues, our job is to accompany the competition and complement what we see for a better and easier understanding. The point is what they do, the athletes show, that is, the image is primary. A sporting event is not about the commentator, but about the competitors. I believe that our work is effective and well done if the viewer does not notice the commentator, the cameras, the television presence, but can immerse himself in the whole as it is, if he can connect, he can live in conditions that disturb what is. he sees without. If the viewer stands up at the end of a competition with a smile and thinks it was good for him to watch the show, then our work was fruitful.

What was your favorite exatlonal broadcast? Do you think your legendary spit of gold is still being born?

Happen. I never think about these issues because judging my work is an exclusive right of the viewer in every way. For us TV fans, our business ends after the headline at the end of the show, and from there we look forward to the next morning when the audience data comes in. The numbers that show what the viewer thinks are how they rate our performance. And this decision is final because the remote control is in the hands of the viewer.

What do you think is most exciting about Exatlon? And what could make it even better and more exciting?

For me, Exatlon is the heart of life. In this show, almost everything that happens in life happens, only with much more intensity, condensed into a few months. There are ups and downs in it, joys and sorrows, successes and failures, we experience victories and defeats, we lose partners and new friends arrive. Talking to the riders from the previous series, it turned out to me that almost everyone is inspired to this day by the experiences they have had here. For me, Exatlon is not a simple TV show, it is a trip back in time that caught me on the first day and only partially lets go of the last. Only partly, because I confess, everything lives on in me for weeks or months even after the end of the racing series. I have to wake up in the morning and suddenly I do not know if I am still in Exatlon or I have already returned to “real life” …

Champions and Challengers live among us

Are you still in contact with any of the previous competitors?

With many of them. Those of us who are living together these months here are becoming companions, whom I dare to denounce, as friends. Exatlon has connected us for a lifetime.

Was there an emergency on set that you had to intervene in?

Let this remain our secret, as what actually happens and how behind the scenes is not part of the magic. Televisions have one thing to do to make the viewer forget about everyday life, in a word, entertain. The path that leads to all of this is, in fact, irrelevant. We shouldn’t even talk about us TVs for a moment, because then the point is that cloudless entertainment would be ruined.

Can you imagine Exatlon without László Palik?

Yes. There is no irreplaceable person. I am also just a small building block of this great whole, this huge machine. As I said, for me, Exatlon represents life, and in life, people come and go, the characters constantly change. This is also true for Exatlon.

How many seasons do you think there are still in Exatlon?

May I ask again? How many more Olympic Games, how many Football BL, how many F-1 series, how many World Athletics Championships? And I could even list the most wonderful sporting events and series until the sun shines. Day after day new sports successes are born, great athletes are born, and in addition to them, there are young people who train, play sports, prepare for the great challenges of life for many hours a day, even without competitive sports. They are the champions and the challengers. And as we say it ourselves, Exatlon is the eternal fight of Champions and Challengers.

(Cover image: László Palik. Photo: TV2)
