Index – Culture – Krisztián Grecsó and Zsolt Láng received the Libri Literary Awards


Due to the epidemic, Libri’s literary awards were presented this Wednesday as part of an online installment, on the Libri bookstore Facebook page.

The winner of the Libri Literature Prize in 2020 is Zsolt Láng Bolyai Krisztián Grecsó won the Libri Literary Audience Prize Vera He received his novel.

Sándor Gabriella, Director of Marketing and Communications at Libri-Bookline, said that a record number of more than 34,000 votes were received this year for the final ten papers, and the authors of the winning books can have more than 2 million HUF in awards in cash and HUF 30 million in support of the media.

The final books came from the outstanding works of the past year. 180 representatives of Hungarian cultural life proposed which of the 10 works published in 2019 should be submitted to the professional jury and which one the public could vote on.

This year, the winning works came out of these 10 books:

  • Eszter Babarczy: The Poisoned Woman (Present)
  • Ferenc Barnás: For the end of our lives (Pesti Kalligram)
  • Ádám Bodor: Nowhere (Seeder)
  • László Darvasi: Hungarian Mermaid (planter)
  • Krisztán Grecsó: Vera (planter)
  • Zsolt Láng: Bolyai (Present)
  • Ádám Nádasdy: I ​​am clearly here (Seeder)
  • Gergely Péterfy: The bullet that killed Pushkin (Pig Calligram)
  • Krisztina Tóth: White Wolf (Seeder)
  • Pál Závada: Boat in the mist (planter)

The members of the professional jury were Andrea Fullajtár, Zsófia Szilágyi, András Bálint, Zoltán Beck and Csaba Károlyi. The complete award ceremony can be viewed here.

Speaking of the transfer, literary critic Csaba Károlyi commented on the work of Zsolt Láng: “There is life and death, life and love, life and science, life and literature. There is a writer and a scientist, both want to know something fundamentally important about the world”. so it is in its own way, so it is an academic novel, an artist novel, an artist novel, a travel notebook, a historical novel and even a crime novel. It is exciting, very readable, mysterious, even humorous and erotic. how the novel is born. Everything in one word: Bolyai “.

Another member of the jury, Zoltán Beck, put it this way about Grecsó’s novel: “This book is an initiation story, about first love, the self-affected teenager and the vaguely perceptible reality that surrounds him. The reality we know: disappointing, corrupt and unhappy at all times, that adults are anxious and insecure people, who we are or who we once thought, as children, that we will also be, if we grow up once. We are forced to realize as adults: we were not neither children nor children can be pure and innocent. “

The permanent author of the short story by Krisztián Grecsó entitled The Index is Hard for God is the writing of the title of the first volume of stories published by the Index this spring.
