Index – Culture – It was leased, although he only made a video about György Soros


More and more educational videos appear on YouTube alongside entertaining content. Csenge Dörner, a finance professor at Corvinus University, produces videos on economic topics in his spare time.

And it does all of this specifically in a professional way.

He also pays attention to details technically: the sound is appropriate, the animations he creates are informative and understandable.

He uploaded his first video a couple of months ago and while he doesn’t post every day, in return he can make an even less interesting topic for the masses understandable and exciting.

In his most watched video, he talks about György Soros and the fall of the British pound.

But it doesn’t just tell the story, it adds knowledge to the video that makes even a person who knows both about money and how to spend it understand the phenomenon.

These are well-known facts, such as the 2008 global economic crisis or the resulting Hungarian currency crisis, which affected and affected countless families in the country, but many did not understand the reasons behind them and are still not fully understood.

When asked why he “went online,” he replied:

I’ve wanted to make educational videos for YouTube for a long time, but couldn’t bring myself to cut them. I learned a lot from other content producers, mostly American, and wanted to be one of them. The biggest inspiration for me was Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, who was able to explain complex things in a very simple and understandable way, and I think that was really valuable.

He believes that there are many topics that he would love to make videos about in the future. He started with economics because he had a degree in it, that is, he “understood” it, and because he found it very interesting. Making videos is a hobby for him, but it is very nice that his videos interest so many people.

Most of your preparations are research work.

Before starting to write text, she usually read books, listened to interviews, and watched documentaries for weeks. Besides college, there is not much time for this, so the most productive period is the summer vacation.

You usually select topics based on what you occupy, but you also pay more and more attention to the wishes of your audience. For example, you made a video on foreign currency loans because a lot of people raised this issue in the comments.

And the feedback is very positive. As you said,

The kindest comments for me are the ones where people write that they have finally managed to understand something, because that is exactly my goal: to make complex things easy to understand. There are commentators who are trying to fit it in and classify it in some political way. During my video on György Soros, for example, there was an equal proportion of those who called themselves Soros mercenaries and those who called themselves Fidesz mercenaries. However, these videos are about economics and finance, not politics. My goal is to entertain, teach and tell stories impartially the way they really happened.
