Index – Culture – Hollywood Sex Predators with us


Roman Polanski has been accused countless times during his career of sexual abuse, especially of underage girls, but most of the victims did not appear in public until decades later.

Most amateur actresses, rookies and young models came into contact with the man in the hope of a job opportunity and a career, who usually received his chosen ones during the filming or in one of his residences.

Polanski’s expulsion from the French film organization was this time preceded by a month-long debate, and the newly formed gender “half and half” body ultimately decided on the dismissal.

However, the director is just one of many Hollywood predators whose list continues to grow to this day. Here are some known Hollywood sex scandals and their perpetrators.

  • Another Big Bird – Alfred Hitchcock

The world-famous director’s abusive behavior began when actress Tippi Herden received the Birds Main role. THE according to the woman’s confession Hitchcock would not let him meet other staff members and was irritated when he saw the men. There were times when he threw himself on him and wanted to kiss her, but there was also a way the movie was something scenes While physically filming, he physically abused her, as punishment for refusing sexual offers.

Similar cases have occurred in Marnie also during filming. As a result of his frustration, the man threatened Herden with ruining his career, which he unfortunately did. The woman hired did not work in other studios and legally there was nothing to do: the actress’s career never recovered after that.

  • Oiled Scene – Marlon Brando and Bernardo Bertolucci

An earlier but less voiced star scandal is Bernardo Bertolucci’s film, Last tango in Paris can be attached to a piece. Maria Schneider, the female lead in the film’s violent scene, was forced to shed real tears when the elderly womanizer, Marlon Brando, used butter instead of lubricant.

The actress did not know what awaited her, the director and the actor hid the trick from her so that Schneider could live it for real, faithfully portraying the shocking and degrading act.

I felt humiliated and, frankly, it was a bit like Brando and Bertolucci had also been raped, ”said the actress before her death, and it even turned out that Brando never apologized to her.

Director Bertolucci also didn’t regret the method used in the film, but realized that the actress really hated her for a reason. The case went unpunished, according to many women’s organizations, as another example of the ease with which violence against women can be covered up.

  • Woody Allen is suspicious of looking

Everything can be said about it, except that fate has blessed the director-actor accused of pedophilia with an overwhelming and reassuring appearance. His biggest scandal, that he had sexually abused his daughter, Dylan Farrow, who was still abundant at the time and co-adopted with actress Mia Farrow (his ex-wife), has not been clarified to this day, and justice it has also failed. It was later revealed that Allen had an affair with Farrow’s other adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn.

The girl, adopted in Seoul, was (also) the director’s stepdaughter, so the case is not a dog because of a family scandal. And of course the change – that is, the director marrying the Korean woman – sparked great public outrage in the 1990s.

  • Kevin Spacey, Collector of Male Victims

Kevin Spacey almost became a victim in October 2017 when he came out as gay under the pressure of a sexual accusation against him, that is, sexual abuse of a minor. the American BeautyA boy of at least 14 years old, Anthony Rapp, Rent It was one of the canons of the musical. Spacey apologized on Twitter, but “didn’t remember” the case 30 years earlier.

As a result of Rapp’s statement, more than 30 people (mostly men) have brought similar charges against the actor, and Spacey has been withdrawn one after another from several series and films that are being made, and proceedings have been initiated against the. By the way, Rapp came out in public as a result of the Harvey Weinstein scandal and the #MeToo movement, in solidarity with the female victims.

  • Harvey Weinstein, the spark that ignites # MeToo (and his role model, Charlie Chaplin)

The feminist movement conquered the World Wide Web in October 2017 after a leak of producer Harvey Weinstein’s acts of violence. Dozens of women testified against the man, the allegations included violence and abuse, and cases have occurred in the last 30 years. More than eighty women working in the film industry (eg Uma Thurman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie) spoke out against him, while Weinstein denied having had sex with anyone without their consent.

Upon hearing the news, his own company (The Weinstein Company) and the Academy also excluded him from their ranks. He was arrested in 2018 and convicted of various charges in early 2020.

He was sentenced to 23 years in prison in March this year, making him one of the few producers who has actually been sentenced.

(Uma Thurman was able to speak not only of Weinstein, but also of Quentin Tarantino, his actions of spitting, strangling, and “forcing” the actress into an accident.) Kill bill they have not yet degenerated into prison.)

Going back to Weinstein, we can’t help but say that his role model was none other than Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin, who loved to prey on women in addition to his acting talents, slept with many of his actresses and forced them into an awkward position in front of the camera.

Chaplin married 16-year-old Lita Gray, for example, to avoid suspicion of abuse and imprisonment, since the girl’s father, who was pregnant as a minor, was the then 35-year-old actor and director. In theory.

(Cover image from left to right: Roman Polanski, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein. Photo: Getty Images Hungary)
