Index – Culture – His colleagues say goodbye to József Sas


God rest, Jóska!

This is what humorist Tibor Aradi wrote on his community page about the death of József Sas, who passed away at the age of 82, and then shared a video, which he presented with these words:

I miss today’s series of photos because I would be reluctant to share anything about myself on this day. On the other hand, I have a wish to fulfill, because sadly it went into effect today. Só Jóska was the humorist who not only loved him, he even asked that if we parodied him, we would not forgive him. We’re going to show him how we see it because he loved to laugh at himself. He called me aside before his 70th birthday and said, “There will be a microscope conference for my birthday! Write a musical song about me, but don’t lose it because you know me! Well, I wrote. She loved it, as it appears in the video. A few years later, before a performance at the Nest Club, he said: I saw on YouTube what you were singing on my birthday. I looked at it ten times in a row. If I die, remind me not with some stupid sad recording, but with this! Well then, let’s remember Jóska and I promise I’ll try to laugh as well while you ask. Ui .: Of course I turned off the ads during the video and it still is!

Ferenc József Varga, comedian, also says goodbye to József Sas with a video. On his social page, he writes:

I DON `T BELIEVE! My fortune! I looked at the old photos a couple of days ago and there were a couple where I was the only live actor. Then came those in which you are the central figure. Your affirmation of life radiated from them, it was good to say yes, these few images are not the past. Assure me this is just a stupid joke and the press is wrong. If not, rest in peace, we will remember you forever!

In Memoriam József Sas … There are many stories and talents about him. Like leaves in a storm, now they are circulating in my head at once. The theater, which no longer exists, the companions, many of whom are no longer, and of course El Józsi … It was one of our common songs in 2003. Jóska loved it because it was an “easy role”, “no you have to do nothing, just stay there. “

His colleague, Péter Beregi, told Blikk that

The last theater with which the political cabaret ceased to exist, which was a fight for a solid vision, democracy, was gone. Józsi was a very special life-affirming man, he gave people a lot of energy, he held the company together with amazing power.

Award-winning actors János Gossvölgyi Kossuth and Jászai Mari told ATV that

We have to say goodbye not only to him, but also to a genre that, I think, ended once and for all. Because on the one hand, there was this theater, the Microscope, which was abolished, and instead there has been almost nothing since.

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