Index – Culture – First we can see Tom Hanks in the west


Tom Hanks is in the West for the first time. The Captain’s Mission has been screened since Christmas in North American cinemas, writes MTI.

The Oscar-winning actor said that while waiting 35 years for his first western movie, he wanted it to be truly special. As he pointed out in reference to the new Star Wars series, he likes to think of the production as “The Mandalorian Without Lightsabers.”

There is no point in rotating a western just to wear comfortable clothes and a hat. You need to talk about more than just gender.

The movie star argued.

The movie takes place after the American Civil War. Hanks plays veteran Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd, who travels across the divided country to read the news to the people of the small towns. He accidentally finds a lonely girl (Helena Zengel) who turns out to have been abducted by the Kiowa Indians years before and her parents have died. The captain decides to take the girl home to her relatives who are still living. The trials of the dangerous road bring the two lonely travelers closer together.

According to Hanks and film director Paul Greengrass, The Captain is about the healing power of storytelling. “I felt like a story today: the world is divided, like a post-Civil War landscape, and desperate to heal, but not knowing which path leads to it,” Greengrass explained.

Although the filming took place more than a year before the coronavirus epidemic broke out, the story also reveals the devastating epidemic of cholera and meningitis in the country in the late 19th century. As Hanks put it: He sees the power of film-making in the fact that movies hitting theaters during a pandemic seem to mirror the epidemic and the November presidential election that divides America.


“Here, we made a movie that will be set in 1870, but this is about 2020. Isn’t that like movies in a nutshell? A man watches a movie theater where they go and thinks, “Well, it’s like it’s happening today,” he explained.

Greengrass told Variety in an interview that Hanks is one of the best actors for him. “His enthusiasm is infinite and his work capacity is unlimited. I learned what I hadn’t guessed before that I could ride, and also that I could handle a firearm that I didn’t know either. And he also turned out to be fantastic in a trench coat, ”he said.
