Index – Culture – Father Tibi: exclusive praise to the Index


The introduction to the blog is as follows: Father Tibi is a fictional priest, slipped, a crooked mirror of society. Our goal is entertainment, we do not want to offend anyone. Is this still true today?

This was written early in the beginning, when people didn’t know if they were eating or drinking Facebook. In 2012, people even thought that if someone registers as Father Tibi, he is really, actually, an existing person. Then we were attacked by religious denominations, so we wrote the text. Then in 2015 we started blogging and got more and more involved in serious social issues. But neither the articles nor the memes are made with offensive intent. If we can still offend someone instead of reacting with a contrary opinion, it is the right heart.

Such is the case, for example, of the Kulcsár couple, with whom they are suing. They were criticized quite harshly.

Many times we understand that not only Edina Kulcsár and her “wife” Chuti are the only couple that hits the likes on the net with their son. We want to set a precedent with this case. We know and are aware that there are still media personalities who download everything from their son to Insta to zero to twenty-four, from the bathroom to night kisses. We cannot and do not want to defend everyone, but we consider it important that the Hungarian court declares this type of child prostitution in the media to be a reprehensible act. There is already a celebrity who self-examined and stood up in front of people by not reposting a photo of his son. It even removed images that had already been uploaded. Something has already started.

Father Tibi’s blog is being edited by several. Does a report affect everyone or just the author of that article?

Most of the demands come through the blog, there are revealing texts. If, say, Tenya Pintér or Edina Kulcsár goes to the police or anyone else to report, they must first find out from Blogstar who wrote that particular article. Obviously, it is not that simple, the names are not simply issued. The case of Pintér Tenyá has not advanced for a year and a half. However, in the case of keychains, we definitely wanted to enter the conflict, which is why we told Blogstar to post the name calmly.

What level of activity is your blog?

I am not writing Certainly not on political or public issues. As a medical graduate, I prefer to speak out on medical matters, or on matters like the Schobert Norbi case. I have a fellow writer, I study psychology, I write quite well. You usually write articles that require research work, but want to remain anonymous due to your studies.

This means that everyone writes all the writings about you as one committed person.

So is. He had to come out of the shadows. Until then, we didn’t hide who we were. When we founded a company in 2014, it became public who was behind the kingdom of Father Tibi. I started giving talks about it for a year and we noticed that one face, one attachment point greatly increases the credibility of the brand. Máté Tóth thus became equal to Father Tibi. That is, Father Tibi with him. But when they ask me, I tend to correct everyone: Father Tibi is not a person, but a brand.

If an opinion piece appears on your blog, do you agree with it even if you haven’t written it?

All articles are published by consensus. Once a month, a substance is made that is an exfoliant or chewed bone, they rethink and end up not coming out. And there is something to which I say no. This is how the site can work properly.

They often express one-sided opinions, such as when they wrote about a demonstration at the University of Theater and Motion Picture Arts. Don’t you think the problem was described in black and white enough there?

Many times we have strong statements. Also on the subject of SZFE, but it has to be like this. If we just collect all the information and serve it, we can no longer talk about an opinion piece. We often get criticism for not seeing it objectively, but in the case of SZFE, only speculation appeared as well. Well, we had an opinion on this, but I repeat, I do not write articles on public issues.

He just stands behind them.

Very correct. I have read every single one of my business partner’s writings and believe he put them into practice with due diligence. Obviously, when confronted with the mainstream media, it can cause outrage. When we looked at the SZFE case differently, we got a lot of messages that finally someone isn’t just complaining about what 444 or HVG is. People were also happy to have that opinion.

If the viral situation wears off, would you be willing to come see the three performances of our choice and rethink your claim that theater is just a “manic wave”?

We are open to it. And if we see pieces that prove the opposite of what we claim, we are willing to follow ourselves. Just fly, have very good performances.

Let’s talk about Father Tibi, let’s talk about Máté Tóth. What taught you the greatest popularity?

I was always an outgoing child. The blog was also created because bullfighting was always happening in coli, and we thought the many jokes should also be seen by a wider audience. What I have been developing since then: I pay much more attention to the public, to everyday issues, to the issues that people talk about. It’s a great understanding that we tend to live in bubbles and tear down other people’s worldviews. For me, for example, it was a huge slap when I realized that objective reality could hit a different person differently. I have come to realize that many people not only don’t realize that they live in a bubble when they drive them, but they specifically love and expect it.

He talks a lot about opinion bubbles. How do you fight to keep yours from shrinking?

For example, it is a good starting point not to delete or block our friends who have a different opinion than we do. I see many people who live their daily lives in such a way that if they are faced with something that they must face, they tend to reject it with all their might. It is important not to select between pages and friends. Obviously, it would be more convenient to strengthen ourselves in everything and not have to rethink anything, but that does not help development either.

If you struggle so hard with opinion bubbles, aren’t you afraid that strong statements, whether on the side of Truth for Matthew Tóth or on the side of Father Tibi, will push his followers towards them?

There are many people who have to bite things in their mouths. We often say how stupid the average person is, but think about where half the average can go; obviously, this is how the average turns out. Many people do not like to figure things out by themselves, they do not like that what they have to think is not described in black and white. The creation of the page Truth to Máté Tóth is due to the Index anyway. Anno, I trolled quite a bit in the comments below the articles. It was fun to see that he had thousands of likes. Then I pressured a migrant troll and they pulled him off Index’s Facebook page. And when people were framing their profile photos with captions and flags in relation to Charlie Hebdo, one of my friends formed a group, Truth to Matthew Tóth, where my acquaintances uploaded a photo with a similar caption. Therefore, the fight for mini freedom started in a circle of friends to lift my ban from the Index. On Facebook, this eventually disappeared, but the Instagram profile remained. Thanks Index!

And he also wrote a book. That is a different genre.

I really like to joke around on my site, but I have noticed that people demand serious content. I held a question and answer day on Instan weekly. For a long time, I think I was the only person with a large following who had no questions about the color of your shoes, but who really did wonder what the important social and political issues were. Many also cared to avoid these responses in a lasting way. So I sat down to write a book. However, this was preceded by another year when I started making YouTube videos on more serious topics, but I can write about them much more concisely and easily than I can talk about them. The written word carries more weight anyway.

Did you have difficulty writing?

I just wanted to put something on paper that I can take on with pride. When it didn’t work, I didn’t force it. The book was completed in two and a half months. But for that, I had to set a deadline; I was already at the doctor’s office, only studying for exams at the last minute.

He recommended the book to himself at eighteen. Why?

I felt that if I had read a book like this at eighteen, it would have helped me a lot. The social issues in him didn’t bother me that much. I think that for anyone who wants to advance in life, wants to catalyze its processes, this book can be useful.

In our conversation, he mentioned that Máté Tóth had to leave Father Tibi behind because they felt that man could only be truly attached to man. So how were personal stories left out of the book?

Now I am consciously excluded from this. I will want to write an autobiographical book that comes out one day, but this is not the time yet. Then I’ll come up with a good title, like Bayer Zsolt’s book, That’s Why They Hate.

What would you say in a sentence if you didn’t send a message to yourself in a book to the eighteen-year-old?

Friend, everything will be fine in the end.

(Cover Image: Attila Trenka / Index)
