Index – Culture – Botox is my religion


Like the Red Sea, the Hungarians were split in two in the second part of the fourth season. luxury handcuffs to camp:

  • more than forty botox calls Y
  • for young people who deny botox. (And this is serious business, not the Homousion and Homoiusion debate of a pimf Madách!)

It is no ordinary show to watch the contentious debate over luxury, which also shames the grand stage of the Caucasus chalk negotiations.

now is it ok or bototoxic?

At this point, a man’s daughter cries at the time of Babett Köllő’s liberated botox party in a congested private clinic in Buda, the sinister reality scene from reality and the “free your nipples / freedom for women!” tits!” From Catherine. naked yoga.

The new hero of reality, the Russian-Hungarian tennis wife Anfisa BulgakovaAlthough he hadn’t even made his fancy record, he had already moved the tectonic plates of playwriting with a fake line shifter. Question, how long will the luxy brigade stay together after that?

Well, Anfisa has recently become a self-proclaimed ambassador of natural beauty, a great teacher of facial yoga, or something similar, and thanks to this she has techniques and secrets that can naturally stop the aging process, reverse the wheel of time, the story continues being his compatriot. Isaac Asimov would also envy him. (Does the face look like a lotus birth or a downward facing dog?)

The fact is that there is some metal that you have to push a lot in the face, it will make a person beautiful and young, and everything is so good that we also knew the place of the advertisement. (They’re looking at the business model, right?)

Anfisa really feels how suddenly the popularity of how to turn money into money immediately came, not even by chance she became so successful and rich!

Because even today there is spiritualism and spiritual essence in beauty trends, because it turns out that it belongs to a completely different sect that has already undergone Intervention or Interventions, because it is not like baptism, it is enough to admit it only once.

You’re feeling the subtle charm aren’t you, when those who feel like themselves – that is, luxury women who have been heavily botoxidized with their husband / husband’s money – immediately draw instant, filtered feminist wisdom from the little Gucci bag. For example, about what we are not discussing anyway, that a woman has the right to self-determination, that is, she does what she wants with her own body. Especially if you are generously funded by your two-legged wallet with a separate entry.

Too much for the great independence and self-actualization, but thanks to fancy handcuffs, we also know that nowadays it’s also a form of self-actualization when someone walks into a spectacularly boring TV show because they happen to be unreasonably rich.

Lessons on the ascension of women

The body, moreover, is such a central element in the second part that there are no longer enough stimuli to show off the perfectly yoga body (kneaded in Yvonne’s case) of a luxury man in a bikini.

While we of course also did not enjoy this exceptional aesthetic experience, we are extremely fortunate to be able to experience gap-filling moments in television history with vomiting from Tünde, which the show’s makers have thoroughly documented. (Did I have to expose such a sensitive luxury stomach to such an exhausting six-star Tokaj wellness wine hotel ?! However, please, what is this outrageous cruelty towards the show’s characters?

Thank heaven, as compensation, Tünde can handle the $ 40,000 Tokaj aszú specialty quite well in the winery.

Going back to the lessons given on female ascension, who does what with their own face and body essentially has no one to see or say with. Especially not for a younger woman who is not yet battling wrinkles, explain the two proud botox queens, Yvonne and Tünde, who obviously decided to extend their lives in front of a country based on this year’s system built with the logic of Diamond.

Not only in the rag-shaking show, where in the second part everything happened in a drama by Chekhov that was accidentally arranged among the sets of a sparkling bean operetta: our heroes sat from chair to chair while saying words with their mouths and baked on them, preferring to be in another place than where they are at the moment.

In comparison, Luxustünde has recently been revealed in a family vlog, which Nini, who is already targeting her beloved fans and covers the show, has also caught up with it in the second part. (Show is show in show, shoot on shoot, what depth, it is inconceivably meta).

And in her recent autobiography, Yvonne reveals the secrets of business success to young people, who also helps convey Catherine’s daughter’s upset over the current breakup and then tells the girls, also broadcast, that she has no authority to speak. about Catherine’s breakup.

That is, within and beyond the show, our luxury brides display a strange replica of their reality, where the Mayan veil has now fallen, because exceptionally a moment of sincerity was born when luxuries betrayed what poison they owe to what they call beauty . The second part fills a gap, as does the first.

Girls, women: Turkish and Russian oligarchic husbands are no longer cool

Anfisa Bulgakova taught everyone in the science of marriage.

(Cover image: Labancz Viktória / VIASAT3)
