Index – Culture – Ákos did not like the whining of the musicians, but before that he signed the advertising contract of 40 million florins


Among the contracts of Szerencsejáték Zrt., 444 noted that singer Ákos Kovács, Fehér Sólyom Kiadó és Szolgáltató Bt., Was able to sign a HUF 40 million contract with the state company again in April.

Although this is not the first time this has happened, which is noteworthy, it is not just that the contract was concluded amid access restrictions, when a significant part of the Hungarian music world fell from its main source of income. . Two months later, in an interview with TV2 Facts in June, Ákos Kovács wondered how much he didn’t like the fact that his colleagues were suffering.

“Do I complain about not working while there are service people, policemen, soldiers, health workers who have to do their jobs, which would otherwise be much more dangerous, in the same way? (..) Should I complain that I can’t go on stage? I do not consider this to be a matter of good taste, and I do not like it at all when representatives of stage genres complain about it.

By the way, the musician is among the first 90 artists who can take the stage in the HUF 5.3 billion Warehouse Concert program launched under the auspices of the government.
