Index – Culture – A Hungarian design center can be rebuilt in Shenzhen


Gábor Zoboki and his architecture studio, which also marks the Palace of Arts and the recently delivered National Dance Theater, considered the architectural jewel of the dance world, have instructed star architects in the design competition at the Arts Center Scenic of Shenzhen, like the Japanese Sou Fujimoto, the Danish Lou and the Henn. in the end as Zaha Hadid’s office.

Yes, you heard correctly, at those levels a national architecture studio competes. Of course, let’s not just point the finger at the deservedly large MÜPÁ, as there is also the Nanshan Cultural Center in Shenzhen, which was also designed by Zoboki and ZDA and has been in operation since 2014, so

the first swallow had already flown to China.

From here, victory can be wrapped up, we would think, but there are firms competing like Zaha Hadidé to mention only one of the great dogs that compete in the final.

Add to this the fact that an opera competition is currently being held in Shenzhen, where Zobokians entered the top 12, and now this design competition for the multi-functional center for the performing arts has reached its final phase.

Our international success also includes the fact that the knowledge and consulting work of the greats of the musical performing arts, the Salzburg Festival, the Cirque du Soleil in Montreal, as well as the mayors of great opera houses and concert halls they are strongly connected with our architectural knowledge.

– says Zoboki, who encourages Hungarian offices to start international design competitions, because such success in China is also an excellent answer for them. From the point of view of the Zobok family, who have been searching for concert halls all over the world since MÜPA, it is a great new market, because

From Paris to Vienna, concert halls have already been largely built in Europe,

the audience, on the other hand, is getting old, with big name artists performing in front of half houses, while new cultural buildings are built in a row in Asia. A new field needs to be found for the transfer of accumulated knowledge, and China, which is terribly emerging not only in terms of infrastructure and economy, but also culturally, is excellent for this.

We still wanted to design concert halls like the ones planned and used in Europe. In China, on the other hand, large, complex, mall-like spaces are preferred, where there is an exhibition somewhere where one will suddenly find oneself in a concert hall. It is a slightly different way of thinking, and the challenge for us now was to adapt our vision and knowledge to that expectation. We were thinking of a cultural center that stands out in every way: acoustics, music and in terms of theatrical technology. In terms of resonant spaces, acoustic design, perhaps we can offer more based on our experience with MÜPA than the world stars we just preceded. At the same time, the Chinese side was not so interested in what the concert hall itself would look like, at least until now, they preferred innovation, architectural workmanship, imposing spaces and hoped for a kind of living room construction. urban applicants.

Parallel to the multifunctional cultural center, Zobokians also participate in the opera competition in Shenzhen, where they are among the top 12,

here they compete with world stars such as the French Jean Nouvel, the Italian Renzo Piano, the American Diller Scofidio + Rentro or the Spanish Santiago Calatrava.

It is a giant of architects. Meanwhile, Zobokians are also quietly working on the monumental reconstruction of the Budapest Opera House.

Concert hall with feng shui

“Feng shui is very important to the Chinese, it is spatial planning and a four thousand year philosophy of life that we have yet to learn. I don’t want to impose my taste, my will on the Chinese, but by understanding their culture, I want to be open to giving the best of our knowledge so that the miracle of dialogue between the two cultures may emerge.

Many stars in the world don’t care where they build, they just want to see their own character, world, and ideas in each city. We are not like that.

Which is not to say that feng shuit should be interpreted as a dogma, it is not really described in books in China, it is more a part of culture, of everyday life. An average Chinese, for example, feels that we are not putting a doorway in a sharp corner. At the same time, it is also important to us that what we design can be built to eat, because today there are young people in the field who design houses that are grandiose and virtuous in their visuals, which then are not necessarily feasible in reality.

I like the smell of concrete, I like building houses, and I start with the premise that what we design is feasible ”.

András Csiszér, Design Director at ZDA, also reveals the secret to success: “The building’s design is rooted in Chinese traditions, a 21st century reinterpretation of a natural symbol that has been present in local culture for centuries.

Zoboki constantly consults with foreign, domestic and international manufacturers regarding materials, and also takes into account that environmentally conscious thinking is quite important in China. “We have an associate office in China, they help with construction problems. It’s the most design-oriented office in town, and if we do things they don’t like, they immediately fall into our hands. They provide very serious help in model building, drawing reviews, translation, conceptual stuff. Thus, in Shenzhen, the General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co. Ltd., and at home, the Intramuros studio and the Arch studio, provide us with significant help. “

Ten to twenty gigap projects are currently being developed simultaneously in Shenzhen. Until now, residential complexes and shopping centers have been designed, now the focus has shifted to culture. The competition is huge, as is the stakes.

Another MÜPA in China?

If we look at the plans, on the one hand, we see raised forms with stone frames with lush green vegetation on top. On the other hand, it is similar to MÜPÁ in certain elements of the set of buildings.

There are ways that one does not give up, especially once they have proven their worth. A concert hall, as imposing as it is, is not fan-shaped, but follows parallel lines. And it all starts there, that we do not go beyond the audiences of the 19th century because that is when the acoustics fall. By comparison, the Chinese envisioned a room for 2,500 people. Therefore, concessions must be made on these issues.

Zoboki says that he is now retrospectively confirming international architectural public life that this form, which was created with MÜPÁ, exists and is good. Now the newspapers and magazines are asking for materials.

Until now, Daniel Barenboim or Zubin Mehta have made a name for themselves, and Keith Jarrett, who recorded his last album at MÜPA, has created the famous Budapest Concert. They already knew what the Palace of the Arts meant, the architects didn’t. “

Then add:

“We have reached a strange age in Europe, to smell cultural decay. St. Petersburg still has a vibrant cultural life, which in turn is steadily declining in Europe.

However, our design life is mainly linked to cultural and musical life, so we have to constantly search for new markets. And the underrated and underrated Hungarian architectural community is in dire need of success, and we can build on it. “

We whisper so much that the icon of the architect of our time, Rem Koolhaas, who writes the basic work of contemporary architecture, is part of the jury. The result is expected early next year, and if the Zoboki wins, surely two cultural centers will be included in the list of a city called New York from China.
