Index – Alien – Navalny’s blue underpants toppled his killers


Bellingcat provided a transcript of a telephone conversation that Alexei Navalny, poisoned with novices, had with Konstantin Kudryavtsev, one of the participants in the action against him.

Navalny changed his caller ID to make it appear to Kudryavtsev that he was calling from a number the FBI uses frequently. He then pretended to be an assistant to the president of the Russian Security Council, and asked exactly why the assassination failed. Kudryavtsev fell into the trap and spoke with Navalny for 49 minutes.

Kudryavtsev said he had nothing to do with Tomsk’s murder, but was involved in removing traces in Omsk. He also named the colleagues who carried out the Tomsk operation and revealed details that only the participants could know, as the conversation took place before the results of the fact-finding investigation were presented.

It is clear from the conversation that in the poisoning in Tomsk, Stanislav Maksakov was the commander of the squad, and the perpetrators were Alexei Alexandrov and Ivan Osipov.

It wasn’t just intimidation, the goal was to kill Navalny,

the one they had been working on for a long time anyway, they didn’t want to kill him the first time.

The agent also said that the FSB had made a concerted effort to clean Navalny’s body, clothing and personal belongings of the toxin remnants. He also talked about the novices used in the area around the groin in Navalny’s boxer shorts. Navalny trickedly asked if the gray boxer shorts were what he was told that according to FSZB’s recollections it was the blue boxer shorts and they really were blue boxer shorts when he was brought to the hospital.
