Index – Alien – Five-year trial of the charming slashing killer is over


Also in Hungary we have become used to seeing Chinese businessmen with teddy bears driving a poisonous luxury car. Despite all appearances, this is a cautious glimmer of accumulated wealth, as enlargement is hampered by both cultural and political barriers. The memory of the famine that afflicted China in the 20th century lives on in the public consciousness to this day, increasing resentment against the masses who accumulated wealth during the economic boom. Therefore, Beijing has launched several campaigns against cuts, waste and, of course, corruption.

“Tuhao”, which means the label of nouveau riche, is nevertheless a popular sign in China, as well as in Chinese communities living abroad. Meanwhile, when the great economic recovery began in the 1980s, so has the second generation of nouveau riche, who are already much less stressed by wealth.

With their behavior, they have also earned another label for Chinese slang: they are entitled to public speech with the adjective “force”, which is perhaps accompanied by more hatred than asha.

While second-generation Asian neighbors are spreading their wings at most on Tiktok at home, in Canada, home to nearly 1.8 million Chinese, some have become public figures. The Vancouver reality show, titled Ultra Rich Asian Girls, for example, has survived two seasons, showing not only viewers but also publicists and cultural anthropologists, showing the inaction of stone-rich young women.

Vancouver’s stylized dream world crashed into a revived horror show in 2015. One of the characters, Florence’s father, Li Zhao, who graduated from a fashion school in Milan, shot her in the throat.

He later smashed his business and family partner, Gang Yuan, into 108 pieces.

Yuan’s killer, Li Zhao’s wife, was on a cousin’s television, the family lived in a luxury villa in Vancouver under a common roof. The 42-year-old businessman with an adventurous background also became known for his women’s affairs, but offended Li Zhao, then 54, with his business offer, one of whose conditions was that Chao marry his only daughter, the star. from reality Florence. . The recommended turned into a nuisance and the fight turned into a brawl.

First a hammer came out and then a shotgun: according to the minutes, Chao warned the yuan by waving the tool with a pistol in hand to calm down.

The contractor then cut Chao’s hammer off, causing the rifle to accidentally fire. The bullet found Yuan in the throat, who died like a monster at the scene. After the incident, Chao set out to dismember the corpse, his plan was to hide the body parts in bags. But first a housekeeper got the killer and Chao convinced him that he was prosecuting a bear that had just been killed on a hunt. However, he did not get rid of his wife who returned so easily, the woman recognized the body of her cousin.

Now, in the end, the court has finally sentenced Li Chao to ten and a half years in prison, about half of which has already been handed down by the perpetrator.

The man, referred to in the press as a “good cutter assassin”, was described by all testimonies as a normal man with a good heart.

At the end of the story, which was used by both the Chinese and English press, the perpetrator thus became the real victim. And those who have not gotten closer to the heart of public opinion are the newly wealthy second-generation youngsters: As a result of the incident, the murdered businessman’s five sons share their father’s nearly $ 16 million wealth.
