Index – Alien – Crocodile Dundee London


As the Index wrote a few days ago, and it has since become clear: Britain is leaving the European Union even without a deal and even without international law. It has also been decided that Prime Minister Boris Johnson, with the help of former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, will turn to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to help deal with the upcoming turbulent era. However, a scandal ensued.

Many eyebrows raced to his forehead in London as word spread that Johnson would include Tony Abbott among his advisers. Parallel to the increasingly unpredictable tug-of-war of Brexith, negotiations with Canada, major Asian players, the US and the Russians are already underway. (Obviously we will be in line).

According to Oddschecker, the probability assessment shows that only half of the British believe that the UK will leave the Union by agreement. Bookmakers say they are beginning to put up with the fact that uncertainty will long dominate customs, imports, travel, employment, higher education, immigration, warehousing and more.

If we look at it not from Brussels but from London, Britain will have to intervene, otherwise it will be forced to pursue a policy. This requires immediate initiative and measured speed of action for Churchill.

So you also need a fast action hero without limits. He is not a diplomat or party politician, but a character like Crocodile Dundee, who was the hero of a 1986 action comedy starring Paul Hogan. He dropped from an Australian swamp to New York, where it would be appropriate to behave, but he doesn’t know it because he’s a crocodile hunter. However, solving problems in the short form (with a good big knife) is very understandable, and sometimes necessary, because not everyone is a good boy.

Surprisingly extensive criminal record

Johnson cheated on the invitation, though Abbott wasn’t even paid. Downing Street was not under such a siege even in Theresa May’s worst days.

Abbott is the last one Britain needs, The Guardian wrote.

Abbott is a misogynist Trump worshiper who is wrong in every way, he said on ITV from Her Majesty’s shadow government minister.

In addition to hatred of women, SKY News has compiled

  • homophobia (that his own sister, who is gay, says it sucks),
  • anti-immigration,
  • opposition to abortion (which he thinks is a cowardly way out),
  • prioritizing men in leadership roles because it makes them more apt to make decisions.

Remember that:

  • Abbott says global warming is not necessarily a bad thing, and compares climate fighters to primitive people who slaughter goats to prevent the volcano from erupting.
  • says of Covid that the rate of closures is too high and that when it comes to the lives of the elderly, it says that “sometimes nature must be allowed to go its own way”,
  • In 2014, he called refugee ships to Australia a factor in the war,
  • on Islam, believes that cultures are not the same and that “Australia must make clear its cultural superiority over those who hide behind their god and accept murder”,
  • During one of his election campaigns, he called the candidate on the other side a “do it yourself”,
  • In 2015 he supported the idea of ​​closing 150 indigenous settlements, saying that “taxpayers are not obliged to finance the different lifestyles of others.”
  • in one of his warm-ups, he called it “the labor market holocaust” when Australia buys submarines instead of producing them itself. She withdrew this and apologized for it.

For the sake of integrity he also got a stomach chorus from the far right, what a shame it was for England to have to import a key figure from a former colony.

Looking at the record, we can see that on a PC-sensitive medium, anyone for a tenth of this is removed from public life. But Johnson did not delay, although he does read a newspaper.

Because Abbott is the great master of business negotiations.

But what kind of person is this? Everyone agrees that the “Abbott character” is a new breed of 21st century politicians who translate business behavior into politics. He’s not very excited about the written agreement, nor the bumpy road that leads to it. Your perception is roughly this:

Let’s do it this way because it’s very good for both of us and let’s deliver on what we promised. If necessary, we will write a detailed article, but the point is to move on.

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has just asked her account in London for wanting to put in place prior written agreements and international standards. And it’s true. But Abbott’s hand or spirit is already in it. This behavior is gaining ground because it is very fast compared to the “Merkeli” model. Global competitors are doing the same, and there are more and more: Russia, China, Brazil and already India, and in some respects the United States.

And because they are more agile in their decisions, they also get a time advantage over the competition.

Abbott’s trip to Downing 10 is not the result of a sudden thought. Behind the story comes the figure of a former British EU Member (and very Eurosceptic), Daniel Hannan. He is a journalist and businessman, and was previously a member of the Prime Minister’s Board.

This is the particular Trade Council that has great influence on cabinet policy. The history of the body dates back to the 17th century, to King James I, from where all British rulers and governments sought the advice of prosperous, important and wealthy people. The board currently has 16 members and represents the entire profession and field, right down to online banking.

Hannan had even led Abbott into his own private organization, a “think tank” called the Free Trade Initiative, which bombards government policy with initiatives. It featured a former New Zealand Finance Minister and even former Bolivian President Jorge Quiroga. High quality and experience company, without a doubt. Hannan and his team were at the forefront of the “Vote Leave” movement, which was the ideological driving force behind Brexit, and they knew Dominic Cummings among themselves. He is the one who showed off Benedict Cumberbatch so much in “Brexit: Everything is free in war.” (Hannan also appears in it).

“I’m probably racking my head over Brexit longer than anyone,” Hannan told a Financial Times reporter. After 25 years of service, Abbott also fell from Parliament at home and Hannan showed him the opportunity for a new political career. He praised him with great words and called him more English than the English themselves. He is a strong supporter of the Crown, a champion of tax cuts and is obsessed with free speech. ” He told the Telegraph.

This monarchical portrait is so accurate that Abbott restored the knighthood in Australia, which had been abolished 30 years ago, as prime minister. And who was its first recipient? Prince Felipe, husband of the Queen. The old man did not ask for the honor, but he did not turn away from him. Why would you have to do that? She is a fan and great friend of Australia who opened the Sydney Olympics in 1956 (due to the queen’s current occupations in a different direction). After his relatively quick fall as prime minister, Abbott admitted that one of the serious reasons for his failure was this chivalrous operetta, topped off by the fact that he decided to go it alone and asked neither the government nor his party. Even his felt so dictatorial, and many leaked out behind him.

But lo and behold, Abbott now has to defend a leading neoliberal opinion-forming group, the Adam Smith Institute. “The appointment of Abbott is now a totem topic. Is the government moving forward with its responsibilities or will it bow to the noise of the protests? “Raises Matthew Lesh, chief analyst at the institute. Tony Abbott won his sympathy for the idea of ​​protecting the free market and trade. In addition to the political tailwind, Abbott also has a financial base, in the person of a manager of Australian-born asset Sir Michael Hintze. His AU $ 3 billion capital has helped Brexists many times and has been good for the Conservative Party, but also for Johnson and Abbott personally. According to public figures, it’s £ 100,000, the rest can only be guessed.

So if the worst case scenario materializes, that is, the British exit without agreement, we will see the names of these gentlemen, but especially Abbott, frequently in the international news.

Featured Image: Scene from Crocodile Dundee 2. Photo: Paramount HE / IMDb
