Index – Alien – Code name Capri, coat of arms: Dr. Flotus


  • Jill Biden Jill is born Tracy Jacobs.
  • In the 70s, during her first unsuccessful and begging marriage, she was also called Jill Stevenson at the same time.
  • On January 20, dr. Like Jill Biden, she will become the first lady, the first lady of the United States.

I finally met a gentleman!

He tells his mother after the date he first met in March 1975, at the age of 23, with Joseph Robinette Biden, then 32, who was then a senator for the state of Delaware in the legislature from Washington.

Apparently two young men are getting together at the moment, but they have already lived long by then. Jill’s first marriage is ruined, and after her husband, the college football player, and other similar lumpy dudes, Joe, the posh senator from the state of Delaware, represents an entirely different kind of man.

He was also surprised that a known man took an interest in him.

But Joe is not an easy case: he lost his first wife and young daughter in a car accident a few years earlier; His potential partner has reason to hope that the role of the half-orphaned boys, Beau and Hunter’s foster mother, will also await him.

At this point, neither Jill Stevenson nor Joe Biden want a second privacy crisis for themselves. Jill says no four times. But for the fifth time, in 1977, he said a happy yes, in front of a Catholic priest, in a church in New York, next to the UN headquarters. Jill will be the adoptive mother of two children who will have a half sister in a few years, Ashley, now 39, the only common daughter of the Biden couple.

It was important to me that Beau and Hunter felt full of our family. This meant that we had to define our relationship for ourselves, not for others.

the mother said once.

They are spending their honeymoon at Lake Balaton, drawing on the idea and guidance of Tom Lantos, a former member of Congress, also a Democrat. The year 1977, with its first president, Jimmy Carter, at the forefront, brings spectacular relief to relations between Hungary and the United States; Early next year, the Holy Crown will also arrive in Budapest after its long American exile.

But on the shores of the Hungarian Sea, hardly any of them can think that almost 44 years later, Joe Biden could be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, and only the second Catholic after John F. Kennedy, and move in as the first. Jill Biden’s wife in the United States. to the White House.

Like capers

Its code name, after its ancestors in southern Italy, is Capri. (Her maiden name, Jacobs, is the English version of Giacoppo.)

Joe Biden, following his Irish ancestors, is Celtic or Celtic.

The maids will hardly have to guide you down Pennsylvania Avenue at the White House. There was already America’s second partner, Joe Biden, who served as Barack Obama’s vice president for eight years between 2009 and 2017. Through her husband, the senator, Jill Biden has become accustomed to receptions, banquets and dinners with champagne in Washington for decades. Her code name also dates back to her husband’s vice president.

Jill Biden will not have a new role as Flotus (First Lady of the United States), just as Barbara Bush easily went from her role of second lady to the first, 31 years ago, when her husband, George Bush Sr., Vice President Ronald Reagan, became the 41st president. In 1989.

Lady professor

Rather, dr. Jill Biden is the novelty in this post. She could be the first lady to keep her paid job in addition to her protocol duties and continue to work as an English and creative writing teacher at a university in Virginia. In profile, in her human orientation, as first lady, she is perhaps more like President George W. Bush’s wife, Laura Bush, and on the international stage, Brigitte Macron, the French president’s wife.

I was the wife of a senator for many, many years. I also had my own career. I was teaching and Joe was dealing with politics. When we were elected vice president (sic!), I realized that I had my own profile and knew that I was not going to waste it. I put the education of women and girls in focus

– He said once, giving him an idea of ​​how to face the different challenges at once:

I can separate things well. When I am in the classroom, I am completely there. If at an event, then there. And if with my grandchildren, all my attention is theirs.

Family is great

Biden has seven grandchildren and two children, the eldest of whom, Beau, a former Delaware attorney general, died of a brain tumor a few years ago. Therefore, Joe Biden did not try his luck in the 2016 presidential election, and Jill Biden said, mentioning Beau as her own son:

Cancer has endured my whole life, it has taken my parents, my son.

One of his grandchildren, Naomi, was named after his parents, Joe Biden, who died in a car accident.


In the United States, its roots are huge in everyday life, also in people’s thinking.

Just as Joe Biden’s Irish ancestry plays an important role in his career, Italian father Jill Bident has now discovered Sicily in the same way that his predecessor, Melania Trump, was his native Slovenia at the time.

It was as if all the people had been elected in America.

– said Tonino Macri, president of the local cultural association in Gesso, the five hundred enthusiastic Sicilian town where Domenico Giacoppo, dr. Biden’s grandfather saw the light of day. He was taken to America at age two by his family, where they settled in New Jersey on the island of immigrants, traveling through the legendary Ellis Island. Jill Jacobs was also born there in 1951, along with her four sisters.

His relatives are now waiting for their first lady with a royal Sicilian menu, for at least one visit. One of the relatives, Caterina Giacoppo, as she told Forbes business magazine the other day, is preparing the following menu, for example:

  • eggplant parmesan,
  • pasta ‘ncasciata, that is, pasta in layers in the Sicilian style,
  • cannoli, that is, storage of dough stuffed with goat’s cotta.

He formulated his philosophy of life as follows:

I am not a politician, I am an English teacher

Now, as first lady, of course, it will also be a bit political.

(Cover image of Joe Biden and Jill Biden on February 3, 2020. Photo by J.ustin Sullivan / Getty Images)
