Index – Abroad – Viktor Orbán: The success of nations is a condition for European success


The prime minister said he had held bilateral talks. at the Bled Strategy Forum He also held talks with the prime ministers of Central Europe and representatives of the Hungarian community in Slovenia.

He believed that from all this, the international public might be interested in how the elected political leaders of Central Europe think about the future of Europe. “The conversation itself was an interesting civilizational conflict,” because a journalist came from a well-known “neo-Marxist British newspaper, The Guardian”, which tried to ask prime ministers about reality according to Western European language, and it turned out that we were writing differently. we see reality differently and, as a result, we see the problems of the future differently, ”he said.

“Serbia must be included in the EU”

Viktor Orbán emphasized that it had become clear that Central European leaders saw three important issues as a common task for the years to come. The first is that Serbia must be admitted to the European Union in any case and as soon as possible, because without Serbia, the construction of European security is not complete, “migrants will also get there,” he explained.

The Prime Minister believed that there is a country that should belong to Europe and the Union, but it is in an intermediate state and the EU can do it. “Serbia would come, we could negotiate with her, everyone knows that Serbia is important, but there is no political courage or leadership in the union to cross this important border,” he said.

He stressed that it was in the basic interest of Hungary that Serbia become a member of the EU as soon as possible and therefore supported the country by all means.

“A common European military force is needed”

The Prime Minister pointed out: security was also an important issue that leads to the economy, because seeing in the world that the United States and China have “distanced themselves from us” is because they have left the European Union because they have the military capacity, allowing a continuous scientific renewal.

He said that the greatest discoveries in the modern world that determine the development of the economy generally come from military research to the civil world. Until there is a European army and a research capability behind it, we will not be able to support the great powers that set the speed and direction of technology, he said. He added that we should have a European military force.

There is room for improvement in terms of competitiveness

According to Viktor Orbán, the third important factor for the production of goods competitiveness. “They don’t buy European products because they are not as good as they used to be, or because the quality of our competitors’ products is better, we are asking too high a price, the taxes are too high and the bureaucracy too high.” organized.

He said that the European economy needed to be “streamlined” to be competitive.

The Prime Minister said that the problems were old, that they had already been identified, but that there had been no answers in recent years that would have made Europe competitive.

He stressed: However, the good news is that under the leadership of Poland, whose economy is the strongest in Central Europe, the economy of the V4 and the region promises a success story. They are also a problem with the epidemic, they have to fight for all jobs and investments, but in general this region has a much more encouraging image in terms of international competitiveness than the rest of the EU, and Hungary is in this part of Europe, remembered.

“The left is also attacking in Slovenia”

Viktor Orbán also spoke about the fact that belonging to the Hungarian community finally appears here in everyday life. “Kindergartens, schools, houses of culture where real life unfolds,” you can also feel in the Muravid region that there is a homeland that cares and cooperates with the Hungarians who live there, “he said.

The Prime Minister welcomed the fact that Slovenia now has a right-wing national government that wants to work together. They are close to working on the details of a program in which the Slovenian government will support Muravidék with a larger amount and the Hungarian government the Rábavidék, so the leaders of the two countries are personally committed to improving the lot of Slovenes in Hungary and the Hungarian Slovenes. He explained.

He sees that they are moving much more easily, they have found a form of cooperation with the current government based on sympathy, national friendship, that the left is attacking here. Here too there is a fierce struggle, as in Hungary, “here too, those who want to do something are marginalized,” he said.

According to the Prime Minister’s summary, the cooperation between Hungary and Slovenia is better than it was.
