Index – Abroad – Verhofstadt: Europe has not seen such action since Hitler


Europe has not seen such action since Adolf Hitler’s Authorization Act of 1933, Guy Verhofstadt, former Prime Minister of Belgium, wrote of Viktor Orbán and the decree-law proclaimed in the event of a coronavirus emergency.

Verhofstadt, who has been the leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) since 2009 as a member of the European Parliament, wrote an article for Project Syndicate on whether the current pandemic is killing democracy. In this article, the politician argues that, in addition to the economic consequences caused by the coronavirus, he also believes that the current situation represents a serious threat to democracy.

The article is concerned about efforts to use the epidemic to undermine democracy, and the author cites Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as the first example, who said that Orbán had repeatedly attacked the free press, NGOs and political opponents. alike. And now he is using the epidemic as a norm to introduce legislation that allows him to rule indefinitely by regulation, the Belgian politician writes.

Guy Verhofstadt, who Viktor Orbán has long been one of the nobles in the EP, speaking out loud against Orbán and his system, and to whom the Hungarian Prime Minister also speaks regularly in his speeches in the European Parliament, in Orbán he also wrote about Donald Trump and Jair Bolsona.

Regarding the President of the United States, he wrote that Trump had successfully politicized the issue of the epidemic and denied assistance to some governors (especially Democrats). Bolsonaról and claimed to use a scenario similar to that of the US President. USA, only the openly violent and oligarchic system that it built.
