Index – Abroad – US Intelligence USA You have examined the relationship between the University of Texas and the Wuhan laboratory


Matthew of the world

05/01/2020. 19:07

US federal researchers have examined the relationship between the University of Texas and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, writes the BBC. Although Donald Trump claims that SARS-CoV-2, the new corona virus, originated in China, the Office of the Chief of the US Secret Services. USA It announced Thursday that the possibility of doing so was under investigation, but concluded that the virus was not man-made.

During the investigation, intelligence suspects that It was screened at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, so the Department of Education wrote a letter asking the University of Texas to report on any contracts or gifts between the two institutions.

The petition also helps another investigation in which the ministry analyzes where US universities are obtaining funds. USA

China denies having anything to do with the outbreak.


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