Index – Abroad – The third wave of the coronavirus is coming soon


The importance of wearing a mask was highlighted in a statement by the European Office of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday, calling for wearing a mask during Christmas family gatherings and warning of a third wave of the coronavirus epidemic. writes MTI. The ad also warns the organization of an increased health risk from indoor gatherings.

Meetings are recommended to be held outdoors, if possible, and participants are encouraged to wear a mask and keep their distance. If meeting indoors, reduce the number of participants and provide adequate ventilation

They write. While the WHO recognizes the inconvenience of wearing a mask and keeping your distance, the communication emphasizes that these steps are very important in maintaining health, especially when several households and people of different ages are brought together. The WHO has expressed concern about religious celebrations and Christmas fairs and has called on the governments of countries with high rates of infection to postpone them. As they write, despite the fragile progress made in curbing the epidemic

Covid-19 remains a serious problem in the European area and there is a serious risk that a third wave will begin in the first months of 2021, which can only be prevented through cooperation.

The World Organization’s emergency director denounced people for Christmas hugs in early December, noting that omitting physical contact could save lives during an epidemic. Michael Ryan called it “unpleasant” that the expression of love should be ignored in the form of a hug, but as he said, it is now vital.
