Index – Abroad – The situation is very serious: intensive in Portugal


In Portugal, the intensive care units specialized in the treatment of the coronavirus have been practically full, leaving a total of seven vacancies, reports Politico.

According to Reuters, a total of 850 beds are available in the country in intensive care units created specifically for the virus for patients in crisis.

On Saturday, a record 843 of these were recorded, according to government data.

The coronavirus epidemic has developed tragically in Portugal, with 306,838 coronavirus infections recorded in January alone (42.6 percent of all patients registered so far) and 5,576 deaths from the infection, with 44.6 deaths to date, international news agencies reported Monday.

Last month, an average of 180 people lost their lives a day due to the infection, only last week 2013 people died from the coronavirus. According to the Spanish news agency EFE, on Monday there was a long line of vehicles of workers and merchandise workers working abroad at the border between Portugal and Spain (of which only parts can be crossed). At airports, where a negative PCR test has been mandatory since Sunday, many passengers have spent the night waiting for the test result.

Hospitals continue to work at the limit of their capacity, according to EFE, and Portugal has already requested international help for the situation, to which Germany and Austria have so far responded.

The country of the Iberian Peninsula is awaiting the arrival of a group of German doctors and is preparing to transfer patients in serious condition to Austrian hospitals.

Meanwhile, the second phase of the vaccination campaign began on Monday, but the decision to include politicians in the priority groups has drawn criticism.
