Index – Abroad – The Czech state of emergency has been extended again


After intense parliamentary debate, instead of 30 days, the lower house of the Czech legislature finally extended the state of emergency for a shorter period, until December 12, according to the MTI report. The extraordinary legal order was originally ordered on October 5 and had once been extended until November 20.

The Andrej Babis government wanted to add this for another 30 days, but the House of Representatives finally supported the proposal of the Communist Party of the Czech Republic and Moravia, which supported the cabinet from abroad. Of the 103 deputies present on the 200-member panel, 54 communist and pro-government deputies voted in favor of the latter proposal.

“The state of emergency provides an opportunity for the government to make a decisive change in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic,” Andrej Babis said in a House debate. Reducing the number of daily infections for about ten days, according to the prime minister, shows that some results have already been achieved in slowing the spread of the epidemic. According to Babis, the improvement in the situation is a consequence of the restrictive measures. At the same time, he warned everyone to believe that “everything is behind us.”

Not everything has been left behind yet. The danger is not over ”

Babis stressed, asking everyone to keep precautions for the tranquility of the Christmas holidays.
