Index – Abroad – Slovakia closes, but lets people spend Christmas


However, they are still not allowed to go to restaurants, cinemas and gyms in Slovakia despite the closures. Announced yesterday afternoon Prime Minister Igor Matovič, Minister of Health Marek Krajčí, National Medical Director Ján Mikas and Minister of Transport Andrej Doležal on the adjustment.

  • As of December 11, the restaurant terraces will be closed and the food dispensary will be open.
  • As of December 14, access to hotels and ski resorts will only be possible with a negative test no longer than 72 hours.
  • The stores will be closed as of December 21, with the exception of grocery stores, drugstores and pharmacies; This will last at least three weeks, but if there is an improving trend in the national data, stores will be able to gradually open by district.
  • Starting December 28, regular testing will begin in all companies with more than 500 employees.

Medical director decides whether Slovakia will close for Christmas

The news was also confirmed by the Interior Minister, details will be released to the public on Wednesday.

Cinemas, theaters and gyms they can be kept open, just like churches. But the latter is in doubt, this is still being discussed with church leaders so that there are not too many during Christmas services and Masses.

According to körké, the national medical director believes that they can sufficiently restrict the movement of people. However, Marek Krajčí pointed out that these measures would have been necessary earlier.

For the holidays, however, no other austerity is imposed. They trust that people will be so responsible that they know how to spend Christmas this year.

(Cover image: Disinfection in Bratislava. Photo: Vladimir Simicek / AFP)
