Index – Abroad – Santa Claus brings relaxation to Austria


Although the extraordinary restrictions will be eased in Austria on December 7, but only in certain areas and with certain austerity measures in place, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced on Wednesday (December 2) after the government meeting.

Kindergartens and elementary schools can readmit children and graduation classes can return to their educational institutions, but students will also need to wear masks to school. They may also open commercial or service units, where, in addition to wearing a mask, only one customer may be in the store for every ten square meters, but cinemas, theaters, hotels and restaurants and sports facilities will remain closed until January 7

It is difficult for everyone to overcome a complete short circuit, but with the downward trend in the number of new cases, we can see that it has been effective

The chancellor pointed.

Austria: national tests begin

In Austria, more than half of the population is willing to participate in a nationwide antigen test starting next week.

But we must not forget that the epidemic is not over yet, the virus is still here among us and the number of infections is still high

Said the prime minister.

Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer promised an increased police presence in shopping malls and called the public’s attention not to rush shops on the first day of opening, if possible.

The curfew is also relaxed from Monday 8 am to 6 am. In addition, the number of private meetings between members of two different households has been set at six, which I would like to increase to ten during the Christmas period.

In addition, strict entry restrictions will be introduced for the Christmas period for countries where the fourteen-day average morbidity, which is an average of two weeks per 100,000 inhabitants, exceeds 100.

This is true for practically all neighboring countries today.

With this measure, they want to curb the masses of people who travel home at Christmas to avoid more presentations after the holidays. Anyone who nevertheless decides to travel must have a ten-day quarantine upon return to Austria and can only prove himself on the fifth day of quarantine. The measure will take effect from December 19 to January 10.

A central theme in Austria was the opening of ski slopes and lifts, which may open on December 24, but hotels and catering units are expected to remain closed until January 7.

Austria: even if there is no complete short circuit, there are restrictions

Mass testing will begin next week and a ski action plan is also in the works.
