Index – Abroad – Putin announced: arms cannot stop



The Russian president spoke about this in a statement to the graduate soldiers a day after National Victory Day.

A day after the Russian state holiday “Victory Day”, now celebrated for the 75th time on May 9, Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country wants to advance in all circumstances by increasing its military strength.

As you said

Investing in strategic weapons is crucial, including unmatched high-precision and hypersonic systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, and robotic combat systems. “

Immediately after this time of predominantly “online” celebrations, the President declared in a congratulatory statement to graduates of the military academy that the most advanced technologies will further enhance the image of the Russian army and navy for years to come.

(Cover image: Vladimir Putin a “Victory Day” on the Russian state holiday on May 9, 2020. photo: Vadim Savitsky / TASS / Getty Images)


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