Index – Abroad – Pfizer and Moderna would already be giving a third dose due to the variants


Pfizer and Moderna are already testing the effects of a third vaccine of their coronavirus vaccine on the human body. They hypothesized that those vaccinated for the third time may also gain stronger protection against new mutations in the coronavirus.

According to NBC News, Pfizer recently vaccinated people for the third time who received the first dose more than half a year ago.

The company’s CEO, Albert Bourla, said they said the third dose would further stimulate the body’s immune response, so much so that it could increase the amount of antibodies up to 10-20 times, thus providing greater protection against new mutations in the coronavirus.

Bourla believes that the virus will remain with us even after the pandemic subsides, so there will be a huge demand for coronavirus vaccines in the coming years.

The vaccine should be given every year to get protection.

– he said, adding that the company’s goal is to be able to produce a vaccine that can provide guaranteed protection against it in the future if a new variant is released within 100 days at the latest.

Pfizer also plans to test a modified version of its vaccine. This vaccine would be expected to provide increased protection specifically against the South African variant of the coronavirus.

Moderna is also experimenting with the third dose and a vaccine modified to a variant of the virus.

In a statement, the US pharmaceutical company wrote that there are two ways to protect against recently emerging virus variants:

On the one hand, they will examine whether so-called “booster vaccines” can help increase protection against variants. Three options will be considered:

  • The “base” vaccine, mRNA-1273, was administered as a booster dose as a booster dose at a dose less than 50 micrograms than the plain vaccine.
  • Administration of a new version of the vaccine, mRNA-1273,351. It is a variant-specific booster vaccine that specifically seeks to protect against a virus variant discovered in South Africa.
  • Respectively, another candidate vaccine, mRNA-1273,211. It is a multivalent booster that combines mRNA-1273, Moderna’s first licensed virus strain vaccine, and mRNA-1273,351 in a single vaccine.

It was also written that mRNA-1273,351 had already been submitted to the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) to begin clinical trials.

On the other hand, the efficacy of mRNA-1273,351 and mRNA-1273,211 as first vaccination in seronegative humans (that is, those who have not yet been vaccinated) is also examined.

We look forward to beginning clinical trials of our candidate vaccine for the virus variant, while thanking the US National Institutes of Health for continuing to work with them to combat the epidemic.

Said Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna.

He added that the flexibility of the mRNA platform could be very useful in the current situation, allowing them to quickly test newer versions of the vaccine that are effective against new virus variants.

Moderna is ready to develop as many vaccine variants as necessary to curb the epidemic, Bancel said. Adding: they also trust that

Booster vaccines will prove to be effective in even smaller amounts and will therefore be able to deliver even more doses in 2021 and 2022.

We hope that the boosters, if needed, can work in smaller amounts, so we will be able to deliver many more doses to our partners around the world by the end of 2021 and in 2022, if necessary. “
