Index – Abroad – Panic buying resumes in Germany


According to a report by the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), after the first spring wave, sales of some hygiene products and durable foods are growing dramatically, but not so far at the national level, but in some areas, mainly the Rhineland. North-Westphalia and Baden. –In Württemberg.

In the latter province, in southwestern Germany

It may also influence the fact that many fear more border closures.

For example, in Kehl, a small German town on the French Rhine coast, shopping tourism has picked up enormously in recent days.

According to the Federal Minister of Agriculture and Food, Julia Klöckner, it is not necessary to store more than usual. Supply chains are working, the food supply is not in danger, the minister told FAZ, emphasizing that panic buying is not only ignorance, but also contrary to social solidarity. Plus, it “ends up in the trash,” said Julia Klöckner.

In addition to the emergence of panic buying, there are other signs that the behavior of the German population is changing as a result of a wave of contagion that is stronger than the first and is spreading across the country rather than epidemics. This is demonstrated, among other things, by the statement of the railway company Deutsche Bahn (DB), according to which

the number of tickets sold for long-haul flights has dropped dramatically in the last two weeks, and data from mobile telecommunications networks also indicates that population mobility has decreased since the beginning of October, meaning that people They move less often and for shorter distances.

A new type of coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) is spreading faster and faster in Germany. According to data on Monday from the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI), there have been 4,325 infections in the last 24 hours, almost double the 2,467 the previous week.

(Cover image: Shopper at a shopping mall in Germany in March 2020. Photo: Tom Weller / picture alliance / Getty Images)
